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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm wondering if I should be concerend:

I am comming up on the three month mark in a couple weeks and I have a few coral acting strangly:

1 Green acro: lost most of it's color over the tank move. how long is a normal time to see the polyps recover?

2. Green birds nest: is now a pink/purple color. This may be due to too much light as it is placed 3/4 to the top in the tank.

in niether of the above cases am I seeing and tissue loss. There was also a second bleaching event when the new lights were added about 5-6 weeks ago and I cranked them up too high. However, all other SPS have recovered from this event.

3. Duncan - has been closed for 2 days

4. Toadstool leather- has been closing and opening in a not "normal" manner for a week or more now.


78 F



N 0 (api)

Am 0 (api)

PO4 0 (hanna)

(red sea)

Ca 450

Mg 1340


Tank has been fallow for 5 weeks, increased Reef Energy A&B to full low nutruient dose when fish were removed and feeding stopped. Algal turf scrubber barely producing any growth, very minor algal growth inside tank. All Corals growing, all non-SPS looking better than every other than the two descibed above.


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