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Emerald crab


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Over the past several months, I have noticed that my snail population has been decreasing and the shell population has been increasing. shifty.gif I found out why tonight. I got my flashlight out just to look around a little after I fed. I have a brittle star that lives under a rock and sticks its tentacles out around feeding time. I fed it a chunk of shrimp tonight. It had its tentacles wrapped around that chunk of shrimp and was working on getting it to its mouth, when a nessarius snail pops up. The snail tried to butt in and grab that shrimp. I was worried that the star would get the snail, but I was wrong. About that time, my emerald crab hops out and works it way behind the snail. It wrapped its claws around the snail and drug it out and away from the star. It then flipped the snail over and started digging out the meaty bits! angry.png So, I had to give the crab an immediate relocation to the sump. I didn't know that emerald crabs like escargo!!! I wish I would have gotten it video! LOL

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Wow that must have been some sight!

All crabs carry a disclaimer on www.liveaquaria.com:

"Care needs to be taken to ensure an ample supply of food is available for the Emerald Crab. Many aquarists supplement the Emerald Crab's diet with dried seaweed and chopped meaty foods, such as shrimp, as well as a quality pellet fish food.

Otherwise, this opportunistic feeder may turn to corals, invertebrates, or small fish for a food source."

I've seen enough in my day to know it's true. That's why I don't mess around with crabs. The only ones that are completely safe are Porcelain and Acropora Crabs.

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