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Looking for Help When on Vacation


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Hi All:

I am heading to France for a couple weeks 15 - 30th and am worried about my 29 BC aquarium. I am looking for someone to stop by and check on the aquarium 3-4 times over two weeks and perform at least one water change. :) (5 gallons) I have a friend that is coming over to feed everyday or every other day. I also have a Apex Auto Feeder so I will be setting that up before I leave as well. Please hit me up with a price if you are willing to help me out.



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One word of advice never setup anything right before you leave, also if you feed them only twice a week is more than enough, you want to minimize any nutrient spike while you're out, water change is not necessary, only rodi topoff

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What if they starve! ohmy.png Once or twice a week, I thought twice a day minimum smile.png

I was going to have auto feeder feed once a day and then have someone come in and do live food smile.png I am a noob...

I also bought a breakout box and a float switch to do the auto top-off. I was going to run two float switches in tandem to avoid failure, but it makes sense that I would not be excited if I did something wrong and had a puddle on the floor. smile.png

Thanks for the advice.

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If it was me, I'd have the auto feeder just feed once every other day while you're gone. No need for frozen at all during this time unless any of your fishes don't eat pellets. In that case, I'd have someone come in 2-3x a week to feed frozen. You're fish can go a stretch without eating every day.

I personally feel your normal feeding level is just fine. Just keep an eye on nutrients and if they start getting elevated, then perhaps adjust your feedings accordingly. When I feed my tank, it's like a snow storm! I have an autofeeder feed 3x a day and I also feed frozen in the evenings. I also have a ton more water volume and a giant skimmer so each system is going to be different. What is the same is to monitor your nutrient levels in your system and feed accordingly (or utilize other ways of nutrient removal). I'm of the camp... feed heavy, export heavy.

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For example in my 10g I feed once daily if I remember/have time. Most of the time every other day honestly. But when I do feed I feed fairly heavy.

My Betta for sure gets fed every other day. Otherwise he may explode.

I always thought of it as: in the wild most fish aren't eating completely to their fill daily. Some/a lot have to go find their food. So they're fine for small periods without it.

I have customers coming in wanting 3 day vacation blocks for when they are headed out of town for one night. I tell them unless its 4 days or more.. just feed heavy before you . Leave and they should be fine if they are healthy

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