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Guess my final pH tomorrow


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7.48 but I think it might be lower if they are still there. I wish I had photographic memory from when Ty showed the readings during the meeting at his house. Also going with the Price is Right method, sorry Jim.

Thanks Ty, good times!


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Ello (in my worst British accent)!

BTW, weighing the guests would be disastrous. The enrollment in the Speech Language Pathology Masters program is almost 95% female. It'll be written on my epitaph... had a good life, was kind to others when possible, met his end while setting up scale at SLP grad school function. He will be sorely missed... mainly by his tangs that survive him and the many generations of his corals that have been passed around in the Austin community.

I haven't seen a lot of skinny Master's students. Better get the big scale out.

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I'm so conflicted I want to like your post but yikes. I'm staying as far away from you and the potential flying objects smile.png

It's not an insult to say a person with brown hair has brown hair. I just wanted to make sure he has a scale that could accommodate all situations. I'm sure getting a degree is very stressful to some people.

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250 gallon total volume, lights will stay on their regular schedule so their indirect impact to pH levels has been accounted for in the pH data provided.

I don't run a CO2 scrubber on the skimmer so I don't know if that changes your answer.

What?! I thought you made a ghetto scrubber last winter with a soda bottle when Victoly posted the pH swings due to the increased level in CO2 in his home when his furnace was running. I won't change my answer to maintain integrity of my guess.

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250 gallon total volume, lights will stay on their regular schedule so their indirect impact to pH levels has been accounted for in the pH data provided.

I don't run a CO2 scrubber on the skimmer so I don't know if that changes your answer.

What?! I thought you made a ghetto scrubber last winter with a soda bottle when Victoly posted the pH swings due to the increased level in CO2 in his home when his furnace was running. I won't change my answer to maintain integrity of my guess.
What? These skilled hands have never made anything that could be considered rigged together and subpar! [emoji38]

I ran it for 3 weeks and then realized to bump my pH 0.2-0.3, I would have added another maintenance task and asked myself, is it really worth it? The answer was a giant, no. I'm a lazy reefer... hence the no water changes... or the RO/DI line that runs through my garage wall to my tank.

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I'm exhausted! Hosting is hard work!

Alright, well, I feel pretty pathetic for being so far off and it's my own dang tank! doh.gif



7.95 was the pH at the stroke of midnight... and the winner is... oh no, not THAT guy! Manny! Right on the freakin' dot... 7.95!

Congratulations Manny and thank you all for humoring me and playing along. It was good fun! punk.gif

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I'm exhausted! Hosting is hard work!

Alright, well, I feel pretty pathetic for being so far off and it's my own dang tank! doh.gif



7.95 was the pH at the stroke of midnight... and the winner is... oh no, not THAT guy! Manny! Right on the freakin' dot... 7.95!

Congratulations Manny and thank you all for humoring me and playing along. It was good fun! punk.gif

Dang I'm good! Was it my degree in biology that helped me guess this or was it sheer luck?
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Well being that I am so far away I would like to donate the winning frag to another contestant. I was looking at other people who participated to decide who I was randomly going to give it to. Well it's not so random after all. I saw one person in particular who participates a lot on the forum,shows continuing progression,never ending enthusiasm, and overall good spirit. So I would like to donate the meteor shower to Makena!

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