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Guess my final pH tomorrow


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Hello fellow reefkeepers,

Got a fun game if anybody is interested. So, I'm hosting an end of the semester gathering for my wife's grad school friends tomorrow evening. Let's take guesses on what my final pH will be at the end of the night? Winner gets my utmost respect and the FarmerTy seal of approval. shifty.gif Sorry everyone, the webcam will be down. doh.gif ***Edit, Victoly has graciously offered a frag of meteor shower cyphastrea to the winner!

Here's what I've been at the last couple of weeks. If it helps, there are about 30 anticipated guests and two small dogs. The AC will more than likely be running to offset the heat generated by all the engaging conversations during the night... especially when I have field 1,000 questions about the tank. Good luck and thanks for playing along!

Max pH - 8.1
Low pH - 7.8

JeeperTy - 7.50
Reburn - 7.90
JimH - 7.49
Victoly - 7.54
Sascha - 7.55
Brian.srock - 7.80
Bigsby - 7.69
Gig'em - 7.62
ShawnKoto - 7.71
Cameron - 8.01
Jellyfish - 7.65
OceanTraveler - 7.48
Makena - 7.38
Ludakris - 7.70

Manny - 7.95

Bluemoon - 7.60

MrMayTagg - 7.63

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Seems fair enough. How about i sweeten the pot? Winner gets a frag of cyphastrea from me? If I win, I just win and i get to gloat without retribution in perpetuity?

Don't you do that already?

Good guess Ty. I know how you derived it and I won't say anything. My guess is 7.55

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Seems fair enough. How about i sweeten the pot? Winner gets a frag of cyphastrea from me? If I win, I just win and i get to gloat without retribution in perpetuity?

Don't you do that already?

Good guess Ty. I know how you derived it and I won't say anything. My guess is 7.55


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In case its helpful, my DT ph values and my CaRX eflluent pH values. To throw a twist in it, I adjusted my pH from a range of 6.75-6.85 down to 6.70-6.80 just last night. Muahahahaha!



I'm gonna need to see the NIST certification on your calibration solutions and the SRF slope on your most recent cals.

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In case its helpful, my DT ph values and my CaRX eflluent pH values. To throw a twist in it, I adjusted my pH from a range of 6.75-6.85 down to 6.70-6.80 just last night. Muahahahaha!



I'm gonna need to see the NIST certification on your calibration solutions and the SRF slope on your most recent cals.

I'll contact my in-lab tech and have him forward you the report.

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Ello (in my worst British accent)!

BTW, weighing the guests would be disastrous. The enrollment in the Speech Language Pathology Masters program is almost 95% female. It'll be written on my epitaph... had a good life, was kind to others when possible, met his end while setting up scale at SLP grad school function. He will be sorely missed... mainly by his tangs that survive him and the many generations of his corals that have been passed around in the Austin community.

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How many gallons in total in your system? I assume lights will be on during the party for the viewing pleasure of your guests, so there will be some photosynthesis occurring throughout the evening. I assume you still have the CO2 filter on your protein skimmer for the winter months? I'm guessing 7.62

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250 gallon total volume, lights will stay on their regular schedule so their indirect impact to pH levels has been accounted for in the pH data provided.

I don't run a CO2 scrubber on the skimmer so I don't know if that changes your answer.

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