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Ty the Real Estate Guy's Charity Video Contest


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Hello fellow reefkeepers,

I try not to cram down your throats that I'm a real estate agent too often... I prefer to bombard you with my reefing methodologies and unrequested opinions instead! [emoji6]

I will say that switching careers after 10 years in the environmental consulting industry to real estate was a scary venture on my part but having a supportive reefing community made the transition all that much easier. My wife and I are truly thankful for everyone's support on this forum. My fish friends are the best! [emoji3]

In hopes of giving back, I thought it would be fun to sponsor a video contest where the winner would be able to choose their favorite charity and I will donate $75 in their name. If we have enough entrants, I may even offer up a 2nd place prize of $50 to their favorite charity as well.

To make sure the winner/winners don't come out of it empty-handed, you'll receive a free frag from FarmerTy to thank you for your charitable nature when you pick up your donation check.

For contest submissions, let's have all entries be posted by Christmas (12/25/2014) and voting will continue until the end of the year. Let me get with the ARC magic elves that make this forum possible from behind the scenes and we'll have a system in place for submissions and voting. For now, you can PM me a link of your video and it will be posted in the appropriate place once we set it up.

Happy recording and editing my fellow reefers! I am very excited to see the creativity that us reefers can manage to pull together. Let's get some funky music in there too and have some fun with this one. [emoji440]

-Ty the Real Estate Guy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Low quality preview of mah video. It only takes 13 HOURS to render in full HD so I did a quickie rendering on movie maker lol

If anyone cares, I use Sony Vegas Pro 11 to make my cruddy videos :) My laptop isnt hardcore enough to allow me to utilize the program to its full potential :((((((

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, my first company sponsored contest got off with a fizzle. Sorry guys, it probably wasn't the best idea to kick this off during the holidays when everyone is at their busiest... including myself. I didn't even get a chance to set it up for voting.

I'll kickstart it again after the new year and give more lead time for those to create their videos. As a consellation prize for Makena putting in her entry, you can grab a couple of frags from me whenever your frag from the pH party guessing game arrives from Victoly.

Charity video contest reboot in 2015! Be ready!

-Ty the Real Estate Guy

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