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It's the disc form of Calurpa peltata, each vesicle ("leaflet") is a single disc or ball attached to the runner. Grape calurpa is Calurpa racemosa, it's vesicles have many small round balls that have a very strong resemblance to a bunch of grapes attached to a central vein which attaches to the runner. BTW Calurpa is a multinucleated single cell algae so everything you see is a single cell.

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Is it something that i should keep, or get rid of?

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I would get rid of it. It's extremely good at transporting nutrients but it's also very malignant if it gets into the display if you don't have a fish that will eat it.

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Even though it's been kept in aquaria for decades (the cold water adapted C. taxifolia that's causing problems in the Mediteranian was traced back to an aquarium in Stutgard Germany in 1978) many aquarists avoid it because it can also into a sexual reproductive mode which kills the algae and dumps all the nutrients it's sequestered back into the system in a single dump of gametes and nutrients which can overwhelm the system in worst case scenarios.

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I would get rid of it as well. If you want some replacement Chaetomorpha, then I have a good strain that is thicker and more robust than the stuff you normally see in the stores. It's also more like lime green and less like army green, which is curious.

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Ok... So, I have read that foxface rabbitfish eat the caulerpa. I have one in my DT. The caulerpa is on my live rock in the sump. From what Ive read, i dont want to put the rock with the caulerpa in my DT. Ive thought about trying to catch the rabbitfish and put it in the sump, but im concerned that the sump is too small. The area where it would be is 13"x9" and the water is 9" deep. The fish is about 4". I wouldn't be keeping it there permanently, but it still seems small even temporarily. Thoughts?

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I would take the rock out of your sump and put it into the DT. If you put it away from your other rocks then the macro won't spread. Generally rabitfish will nibble it down to the nub but that won't kill it completely. It will just grow back, be eaten and then grow back again.

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