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Hermit crab assault and larceny


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Great video! The best part is he's already in the bigger shell... he just wanted to take the other shell for a quick inspection to see if it's any better.

I had hopes the brittle star in the background would get involved and make it interesting.

Btw, our aiptasia theory holds sound... he's got one at the bottom left of his rockwork.

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See Ty, this is exactly why you preach your hate of Hermits. They are greedy, murderous scum. noexpression.gif

I got rid of all mine after I thought they were taking out my conches, only to find that the real killer was a rouge peppermint shrimp. angry.png

My whole life I imagined the reef to be nothing but serene and beautiful... but I guess that everyplace has it's night time Dirty 6th... In the reef there are some pretty shady inverts lurking around... plotting... ph34r.png

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. . . Btw, our aiptasia theory holds sound... he's got one at the bottom left of his rockwork.

Yeah, this tank has a few, been in there since I started cleaning it 6 years ago. While aiptasia are not welcome I can't think of a single colony I've lost to them and from my experience a tank has got to have some serious issues for aiptasia to reproduce prolificly. (BTW, the title and credit shots for KimP's videos are of corals in this tank.) BTA's on the other hand have caused significant loss of life, both corals and fish. These are stripped hermits from the coast and I've found them to be pretty good algae eaters and i also occasionally catch them digging in sand. They are very clumsy so they could be annoying in a tank with a bunch of new frags.

AbelR1975, that's a great big bristle worm the hermit is pestering.

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