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Hole / bleaching on Undata


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About a week ago I noticed a hole on my undata and the area around it about the size of a quarter was turning white. I can see under it in the area the hole is in and didn't see anything strange. Over the last week or so the white area has grown. It's directly across from a powerhead so should be getting good flow. Any ideas?

tests as of this morning:

phos - .05

alk - 154

cal - 349

mag - 1250

ni - 0

na - 2ppm

amon - 0


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IMHE Monti's are always the first to show signs of some tank event in the process. Make doubly sure you are confident in your testing parameters. Check your test kit and get a second opinion at LFS or club member to compare accuracy. Keep a close eye on the Monti and if it continues to recede you may have to resect the bad tissue to save the colony. But only if there is RTS NOT only bleaching.

As far as the event, who knows you know the causes and effects I am sure But do not forget about temp changes as Monti corals are subject to changes in temps.

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Everything has been very stable. My tests have always been consistent with very little swings (except a mag drop several months ago). Only change I've made is adding some rock to fill in the back of the tank and adjusted the return nozzles to compensate for some flow changes. One of the return nozzels is directly above it so that shouldn't have any effect on it. The red and green monti seem to be actually increasing their growth.

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This morning I noticed the bleached area had gotten a little larger and there was another hole!!! It was in the upper right hand corner of the bleached area in the pic. I figured I'd better try to frag it and remove all of that area. While trying to cut it the whole plate detached from the rock. I then saw what appears to be a tunnel of webbing that was about 1/8" wide and ran about 2" along the rock and to the area of the original hole. I was able to use some tweezers to pull it all off. Any idea what this could be???? I checked and couldn't see any more of it on the rock and did another search of the entire tank but didn't see any of it anywhere else.

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No, at the time I was just thinking about trying to get it off the rocks. It's hard to see unless you're actually looking for it. It seems to have sand / particles stuck to it so it's almost camouflaged. I couldn't really see what kind of bug it was.

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NOOOOO!!! This totally sounds like the monti-eating nudibranch that wiped out my montis. It starts as a small bleach spot as the babies devour all the flesh until nothing is left. Dipping can kill babies/parents, but then you'll have the eggs to deal with. Usually those are at the base and can be cut off.

:( This is what they look like:


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  • 1 month later...

I just noticed another one of those tubes but rather than running along a rock it was stretching in between two rocks...about an inch and a half long. Here's a pic. Afterward I pulled it apart but there's nothing alive in it. I don't see anything on the rock that the undata is on. WTF...it seems like the undata is the only thing on it's menu!!!


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There are several different kinds of worms that make tubes to live in and some can be pretty complex. Most don't bother corals but I wouldn't rule it out as the culprite. Have you lost any more tissue on your undata or does it appear to have stopped? (If it's stopped it should only take a couple weeks for a new lip to form around the dead spot and start growing over it.)

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