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New XXXL Pink Tube Anemone !!


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Where can I start ???

My goodness .. When I saw this giant tube anemone at Nikos reef ! I was starstrucked..!! It so magnificent and so beautiful so big .. I came into the store expecting to not buy anything but when I saw this my debit card flew out of my pocket into Travis hands . I can't Waite to see this beautiful specimen open up all the way !



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No exaggeration, that thing is huge! I thought about it but realized, I have nowhere to put it!

Ty I have a 6 foot tank and there is only one spot to put him ... Only one spot I'm not even sure if I can put corals a foot in range from this guy lol

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Yeah, as the image of that thing expanding once put in the tank, I knew I couldn't buy it. It probably has a 1.5' radius once fully extended.

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Ty last time I was at aquadome they have a good amount of tube anemones for 29.99 .

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Really happy you got it bud. One of the most amazing anemone/corals we've seen. We tried to put it as our DT center piece, but it had other plans. It jetted to the back of the tank under rocks for last few weeks. Was hoping it would come out, but we completely had to redo our DT tank to get it from under the rocks. That wasn't even a full day of it being out. You'll have to update a shot of your tank when it settles in. It was twice the size of what it was today. It was getting very little light in the back, so it's going to expand quickly. Going to look great under actinics.

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