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Lol that tail end of your temp graph is what mine looks like all the time. 72 degree house tank kept at 78-79 means heater literally cycles every 30 minutes. Metal halides give the heater a break lol. Those low temp areas are when my lights are on.


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Lol that tail end of your temp graph is what mine looks like all the time. 72 degree house tank kept at 78-79 means heater literally cycles every 30 minutes. Metal halides give the heater a break lol

Mine is typically in that 72 range as well. My tank volume is, uh, a bit smaller than yours and more beholden to the MH heating it. It's also on an exterior wall and near an open window.

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Lol that tail end of your temp graph is what mine looks like all the time. 72 degree house tank kept at 78-79 means heater literally cycles every 30 minutes. Metal halides give the heater a break lol

Mine is typically in that 72 range as well. My tank volume is, uh, a bit smaller than yours and more beholden to the MH heating it. It's also on an exterior wall and near an open window.

Yikes! Longer photoperiod for you when it starts freezing lol.

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Mine hasn't changed much. Heater cycles a lot more now that I switched to LED's from MH. I love the electrical bill, but I'm still on the fence overall. Some coral seem to like LED's some absolutely hate them. If there were dimmable MH, I'd be all over them.


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Here's my programming.


Fallback OFF
If Temp < 77.5 Then ON
If Temp > 77.8 Then OFF
If Outlet Return_L_2 = OFF Then OFF


Fallback OFF
If Temp > 78.2 Then ON
If Temp < 78.0 Then OFF
If Outlet Return_L_2 = OFF Then OFF

I have the heater thermostat set to about 81 and the chiller to about 75 as failsafes. Chiller rarely comes on anymore, but it was nice when my AC went out for a few days.

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Roughly 78 - 82 in the summer. We haven't had the heat or AC on in a while though so it's whatever it naturally heats or cools to. My guess right now would be something like 75 during the day (cooler the past 2 days) and probably 60 by morning. Just guessing though. I'll measure tomorrow morning if I can remember to.

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