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ReefHaus 75 Gallon Build


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So I retested the PAR levels and their still coming in low it would seem... 400 at the top shelf space.

I'm wondering if the PAR meter on the Seneye is accurate now. Shouldn't a brand new 250 watt BlueLine 14k bulb on a good ballast under a quality reflector produce greater PAR? The bottom of the bulb to the first level shelf in the tank measures 18". 12" to water surface, the shelf rests in 6" of water...

The ballasts can drive 450watt bulbs too, but 450watts on a 20" 75 gallon tank would be overkill, right?

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Yeah, I looked into a bit further. I also think that part of it is that the Blue Line is heavy on lower spectrum wavelength where PAR meters are notoriously lacking...

I'll keep it simple and stay with the blue lines for now. The lighting looks great, coral growth will depend on more than lighting, but these should do the job pretty well regardless!

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Introducing "SCOOTER", the Lawnmower Blenny.


First tank inhabitant. He's not big on pretty, but what he lacks in looks he makes up for in personality. He comes out of the rockwork periodically when someone sits down in front of the tank to peer in, seemingly just to say hi and introduce himself.

He'll sit there for a bit and stare at ya, then return to his work: mowin' the lawn!

With very sparse bits of algae here and there on the rockwork, its pretty slim pickins for him right now, but there'll be plenty to go around soon enough.

Also added a dozen Mexican Turbo's. Here's an action shot:



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Following. Missed this build somehow. Correct me if I'm wrong, but are this Lumenarc mini, not Lumenbright? I thought the Lumenbright were octagonal. Either way both are nice reflectors. I missed what bulb ballast combo you were running? I think running the iwasaki bulbs initially after you've really stabilized the bioload, micro fauna, and "finalized" your sps load is a great idea. It's a look most people new to the hobby cannot stomach but I hear they grow corals fantastic. I can personally endorse the XM10K bulbs. I've seen about as much growth in the last 3 weeks (and I'm still acclimating!) as I did in the previous 3 months under Radiums. Granted the Radiums are a little prettier, but like you, my tank is kind of young, and I'm really wanting to grow it out over a year. Radiums work, but i can personally attest to the fact that you're sacrificing growth for color

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but are this Lumenarc mini, not Lumenbright? I thought the Lumenbright were octagonal.

I missed what bulb ballast combo you were running?

I'm not 100% sure myself, probably LuminARC III's? I picked them up second hand from someone who picked them up from someone second hand...

They ARE octagonal on the top, then they blend into a 19" square with a series of triangle and trapezoid transitions.

They look like the one used in this article, which are LuminARC III's: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2003/3/aafeature

The ballast's are LuXcore 400w selectable wattage (adjustable between 4 settings: 250w, 250w HQI, 400w, and something called... Super Lumens? not sure what that means?)

This is the website for the ballast's: http://www.coralvue.com/luxcore-400w-selectable-wattage-electronic-ballast

Bulbs are 250w BlueLine 14k. The only place I found them online are:


I think I'll run them for a while and see how they do. Are you saying that you've experienced significantly better better growth under the XM10K? Theres such conflicting information that I read on bulbs... Conventional wisdom said that the Iwasaki's were best for growth, and when complemented with a blue LED strip that I have, the color should be ok. The reviews for Radiums for coloring up the corals seemed to be the best?

Trial and error I guess... but I'd rather learn from others experience where I can!

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First water chemistry tests are in:

After 72 hours of cycling... (lol - 100% previously cycled live rock does have its benefits)

Plus a hefty dose of Startsmart Complete: http://ultraclear.com/ucssca.html

Tank is fully cycled and ready to go...

Temp: 78.0

Salinity: 1.26

PH 8.39

NO3 1.0

NH3 0.001

PO4 0.0

Ca 430

KH 9.0

Mg 1300

Oh, and I used the fancy salt, what the hell, why not. With what Ive invested in this so far, and what's about to come next... drop in the proverbial bucket:


What I've found peculiar about this salt mix is the fragrent scent it produces. Can't really put my finger on it. Smells like what I imagine the Lab at Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory would smell like. Kinda sweet!!!

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but are this Lumenarc mini, not Lumenbright? I thought the Lumenbright were octagonal.

I missed what bulb ballast combo you were running?

I'm not 100% sure myself, probably LuminARC III's? I picked them up second hand from someone who picked them up from someone second hand...

They ARE octagonal on the top, then they blend into a 19" square with a series of triangle and trapezoid transitions.

They look like the one used in this article, which are LuminARC III's: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2003/3/aafeature

The ballast's are LuXcore 400w selectable wattage (adjustable between 4 settings: 250w, 250w HQI, 400w, and something called... Super Lumens? not sure what that means?)

This is the website for the ballast's: http://www.coralvue.com/luxcore-400w-selectable-wattage-electronic-ballast

Bulbs are 250w BlueLine 14k. The only place I found them online are:


I think I'll run them for a while and see how they do. Are you saying that you've experienced significantly better better growth under the XM10K? Theres such conflicting information that I read on bulbs... Conventional wisdom said that the Iwasaki's were best for growth, and when complemented with a blue LED strip that I have, the color should be ok. The reviews for Radiums for coloring up the corals seemed to be the best?

Trial and error I guess... but I'd rather learn from others experience where I can!

I'm unfamiliar with data on your current bulbs so I can't comment. I can confirm that I hit a noticeable growth spurt under the XM10k bulbs after the first month. I'm undecided on color. With the 10k bulbs going and my blue LEDs running full blast, it actually looks similar to the radiums without supplementation. Could be my eyes adjusting to them though. I love the color of the radiums along with blue and violet LEDs. It's about perfect all around. If your bulbs are brand new though...I'd agree on running them while you collect corals, stabilize the tank, research different bulb choices and their benefits, and maybe tour around the club to check out the different users of halides tanks and see how they look in the flesh (though I think the only halide users on here that are remotely active are running either plusrite 20k or radiums). I haven't seen iwasakis in person, but as the spectral output of the xm10k is very close and loaded with peaks from IR to UVA and PPFD being about 2% less at most, I figured why spend the extra $40 for nearly identical bulbs in growing power

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My ears were burning... Did someone say plusrite? I'm a cheap reefer, $13/bulb is always a winner for me. You just have to deal with inconsistent manufacturing quality but at that price, order an extra one or two bulbs and you're still ahead on price.

The thought of running hardcore 10k for growth has crossed my mind over the years. Unless it is ridiculously substantial growth under 10k lighting though, I find it too hard for me to stomach the yellow look for the added growth. Plus, in a stable system, SPS grow ridiculously fast anyways so the need to push it (push it real good - thanks Salt N' Peppa) with the 10ks at least for me seemed unnecessary.

Bpb knows his metal halides though so I'd heed his advice. I'm just a plusrite man.

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Lol Ty, that commercial. Cracks me up.

Well Ty's tank was the first tank I'd seen with metal halides on it and was a big motivating factor for me trying them out. The plusrite bulbs have worked real well for him and a couple others on here and they're very cheap. Couldn't hurt to try those out as well two of them plus shipping would be cheaper than a single bulb of any of the major manufacturers. I'd definitely get the 20k though. I hear they run about a step down on the kelvin rating scale which I can verify having seen them. For example their 20k is more of a 14k, 14k is more of a 10k, 10k is more of a 6500k

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12/30/2014 UPDATE

Well, I'm pleased that the tank build got done before the year ended (almost)

Still waiting on the final shipment from melevreef.com, a 3-part container for dosing. With all that extra space under the refugium, there's plenty of space for the pumps, timers and storage reservoirs. In the meantime, I'm periodically dosing a 1-Part mix (Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium) to keep levels up.

Oh, and I almost forgot. I ordered a Reef-Dynamics Bio-Pellet reactor, which is being built even as we speak.


ETA should be middle of January sometime. Once the last two pieces are in, that should be it for this build.

I'll keep pics coming as the tank continues to fill out over the next 6 months.




-Mexican Turbo's

-Lawnmower Blenny

-Yellow Watchman Goby and Pistol Shrimp

-Fire Shrimp

-Cleaner Shrimp

-Firefish (pair)



-Blue Tortuoso

-Periwinkle Montipora


-Green Pearl

-Neon Frogspawn


-Blue Xenia

-Green Toadstool Leather

-Green Finger Leather

-Purple Star Polyps


-Mexican Turbos

-Fire Shrimp

Its kinda barren right now, but going very gradually.
Water chemistry is (relatively?) stable right now at:
PH 8.3
NO3 1.0
NH3 0.003
PO4 0.1
Ca 440
KH 14
Mg 1100
Once I get the two-part I'm hoping to level out the alkalinity, 14 is high, I know.
Earlier in the week had a PH scare, it spiked up to 8.7 and I got an e-mail alert from Seneye. Turned out to be a bad test-strip. Salifert test kit shows PH stable at 8.2.
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Tank Pictures - 1/1/2015

Happy New Year, Everyone.

My resolution this year is to grow out lotsa coral in the new tank!

Here's some more tank pictures, including the display refugium, which will gestate for a while before the seahorse, pipefish and macro algae go in. Contemplating type of coral, if any for the refugium.... any suggestions?

I also reworked the rocks into a pair of grotto's. The new design affords more room for SPS, and several levels of good halide lighting surround them.

Both Tanks


Main Display


Display Refugium


Main Display (Left Grotto)


Main Display (Right Grotto)


Cleaner shrimp


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1/6/2015 UPDATE

Four more acro frag's added today

-Pink Birds Nest

-Green Birds Nest

-Tricolor Valida

-Bird of Paradise

Water Parameters Stable at:

S 1.26

PH 8.34

NO3 0.1

PO4 <1

Ca 450

KH 12

Mg 1200

I really like the new Grotto design of the main display. Lots more room for SPS on top, and lots of sloping shelf space all the way down to the substrate. Also, the cave-effect of the grotto's is really cool, may want to put something in there at some point that likes the low light... maybe a purple long tentacle plate coral? Not sure about the spot feeding though.



On another note, I sent an inquiry to Seneye about the trouble I was having with their PH probe. I received an immediate response from technical support. Turns out, the strip was fine all along - I had not checked the tick-box for Marine, and the software was defaulting to freshwater. The probe works great! It's nice to have reliable tech support from a company. I was a little unsure, given that Seneye is UK based, but their prompt support is assuring. The only downside so far is having to order by mail, and wait several weeks to receive shipments from Europe. Shipping is not free, but not that expensive either, just takes time.

Unfortunately, aside from a handful of US companies (Reef-Dynamics comes to mind), and the guys doing good DIY work, like Melevreef.com, it seems that we just don't compete with the Europeans in this hobby.

We continue to have good innovation here, just seem to have a tough time with manufacturing execution. I used to work with manufacturing executives in Philadelphia. They always complained about having plenty of work to go around, but not enough skilled laborers to work their production facilities. Oh, well, I guess the Europeans will just keep getting the business until we have something comparable to buy over here.

Anyone have any experience with the reeftoys.com product?


If I had the room in my sump I probably would have went with them instead of Reef-Dynamics.

Looks really interesting.

Anyone else running bio-pellets?

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New Tank Mates

Two more new tank mates added, a Naso Tang and a Tail-Spot blenny.

Only a few more fish to go... I'm thinking of going for two more tangs, but am concerned about behavior in the 75, its a bit tight for 3. I'm sure the Naso would be perfectly happy to have the tank to himself.

I want to add a wrasse, not sure which yet. And a longnose Hawkfish.

I think that'll be it for fish.

Lotsa coral to go yet!



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3 tangs seems like a lot for a 75g! Also the melanuris wrasse looks awesome but that's just personal opinion tongue.png awesome tang though should make the tank a lot more active!

Yeah I know... I had a yellow tang and a hippo tang in my 55 and they got along great. Also grew nice and big. I love those two tangs and was hoping to add, but the Naso was too cool to pass up this time around. I think the yellow will be more compatible than the blue, just because the yellow's shape is substantially different than the Naso? I would rather have a blue in there, but they can be a little finicky.

I used to have a six-line. He turned into a chihuahua though - the thing would chase and harass anyone in the tank, like a bull shark! Meanest fish I ever kept. The melanuris looks like a great suggestion! I also like the exquisite and scott's fairy wrasses, don't know much about temperament though.

It comes down to finding the right mix that gets along, which basically comes down to how many places they have go in the tank? Any experience with best tangs to pair with Naso?

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The naso is typically pretty mellow and will get along with most tangs. I don't think it matters yellow or hippo for the addition. I will say that once they get a little bigger and you don't plan to upgrade tank size, be expecting an all out battle as they start feeling cramped in there, especially that naso. They can get a foot and a half long! That's like keeping a great Dane in a dorm room and never letting it out!

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The naso is typically pretty mellow and will get along with most tangs. I don't think it matters yellow or hippo for the addition. I will say that once they get a little bigger and you don't plan to upgrade tank size, be expecting an all out battle as they start feeling cramped in there, especially that naso. They can get a foot and a half long! That's like keeping a great Dane in a dorm room and never letting it out!

What factors influence growth rate, and how long (approximately) do you think I'll have before he gets too big (are we talking months or years here) How exactly will I know when that's happened - is it just a behavioral thing I'll observe becoming obvious as they compete for limited food/space in the tank (i.e. they start to pick on each other), or is it a specific length/guideline I'm looking at to tell he's gotten too big for a 75 (i.e. Tangs under 6" are ok, but once they get over 8" their pushing what's appropriate?

I need some guidance here, as it will be at that point I'll just have to upgrade to my 500 build, and should probably go ahead and start planning that now. I really don't see that I'll have any other choice at that point... necessity being the mother of invention and all. Perhaps a new house with a bigger fish room is called for? Anyone know a good real estate agent who might be able to help?

Maybe I'll start looking into my new health plan coverages that went into effect for 2015. I think I might have a diagnosed mental illness under compulsive behavior - subtype reefkeeper! I need to start lobbying for DSM recognition, then maybe seek reimbursement through a big pharmaceutical company whose drugs have left me no other choice than to pursue this hobby as an outlet for the uncontrollable compulsive behaviors clearly resulting from taking their drugs.

Regardless of how it gets financed, that Naso Tang is going to necessitate an upgrade for sure! I love this disease! er... hobby.

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Temperature of the water and the amount of food are the two biggest factors I can think of that will influence growth rates. If I had to guess, you'd have about 1-2 years before they started feeling cramped. It also depends on your length of your tank... 75 gallons long has a better chance to keep them happy longer-term than a 75 gallon show tank that is deeper and taller.

There are no particular guidelines as far as inch of tang equating to stress factor but I'd imagine once they are both around 6" or greater, that tank is going to be a little tighter than they would like. It depends on your rock work as well... they just need some horizontal space to swim back and forth and the less obstructions, the better.

Check my signature if you need to get that fish room one day and for the mental health, I've been told having a reef tank helps that... or does it cause it?

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for the mental health, I've been told having a reef tank helps that... or does it cause it?

I'm gonna go with helps that. The calming soothing glow of the tank. The gentle presence of swaying LPS. The graceful drifting Naso on the perpetual flow of warm pure water that I have the pleasure of providing him. The bitter-sweet symphony of love I feel for my tail-spotted blenny, as he munches on my new $100 sps frag. Ahhh... heavenly bliss!

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