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Vertical growing coral


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I'm trying to fill more vertical space in my scape. I know growth is greatly dependent on the lighting and flow but wanting SPS that are more likely to grow vertically than tabling or plating.

Is there anything besides slimers that favor growing vertically.

Others possibly:

Montipora hirsuta

Montipora digi

Any other suggestions?

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You're correct, you'd be celebrating your tanks 10 birthday waiting for that Oregon Tort to get there. Cali torts grow much faster and definitely slimers of any sort will grow quickly (almost ridiculously quickly). Digitatas grow quickly as well but there vertical growth is more spread than I prefer. And once they get that vertical, they tend to break very easily.

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+1 on stags. My stuber stag is the fastest growing coral in my aquarium. I glued one to the rockwork horizontally and it has shot out several new branches going upwards. If you're ever in town I can frag you a nice piece for free.

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