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Red sea reef foundation pro test kit results


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Thats pretty low. I'm not exactly sure what natural seawater i think it's 7.8, but I shoot for 8.5 to 9.5 ,most people agree acceptable ranges are 8-11.5. I would raise it very slowly. You can really irritate coral changing the alk too fast. Especially SPS.

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Meq / L and dKH are the same thing. It is just a different unit of measurement to express the same parameter. Most people seem to favor using DKH though. What does it mean? Well if you are going by textbook balance numbers, your alkalinity is a touch on the low side for a calcium reading as high as you got. But if your livestock looks happy and healthy, it's more important to have stable parameters then wide adjustments chasing some magic number.

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I actually have an issues with zoas lost a bunch of them and I'm thinking it happened when i used atm agent green, but that's supposed to bind a calcium molecule with a phosphate one, after using it to try and control an issue with green hair algae my zoas started to melt at which point I stopped. But don't know if this effect in alk made this happen, everything else in the tank seems to do well

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Best practice: Always make sure foundation params are within guidelines before making any changes to correct a problem. Ca, Alk, and Mg are noit only crucial to proper heath of cotrals and inverts , but the starting point for correcting any known problems. It helps reef keepers to make a motre educated "guess" at what may be causing the issue. Therefore preventing us from making the situation worse in some cases.

Happy Halloween

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