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Chiller specs - discount double-check


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My brain is all cloudy today from allergies but just wanted to throw this out there to make sure I'm not off base here. I looked up the specs to my new/old chiller and it has it rated at 10-20 gpm for the flow.


When I converted it (x60), it was the equivalent of 600-1200 gph. Does that not seem high for a flow rate through a chiller? Perhaps my inexperience with one but that seems awfully fast. I'm sure you can't have the rate too slow or you risk freezing the line but, really? 600-1200 gph? I have a Mag3 running it right now for test purposes that's pushing around 350 gph and that seems fast to me.

Can someone give me a discount double-check and make sure I'm not crazy! Thanks!

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I've not used a chiller, but your conversion looks correct to me according to the pic you posted. My guess would be you only need that high of a flow rate if you have a large temperature differential (10s of degrees). I'm sure others know more than me ...

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