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New build 270 Tall with 29 Cube


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Stand looks great!

I want to see a video too! After running at 28" deep tank, I now know this is the deepest I'd ever want!

My ear would end up in the tank when working on the bottom of a 110 x-high which is 29 - 30". 36" seems like it would be most of your head if trying to work on the sandbed.

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I'm sure if he has any problems he can go over to Ty's and get a lesson on how to hold your canopy with your head and use a grabber in each hand and play with the things on your sand bed. Ty is a Kung fu master with those things. I swear he can work his grabbers better then I can work my fingers.

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All those years of chopsticks have finally paid off!

Lenver, I'm a big fan of the coralife aquatongs. They seem to be the best quality that I have found and can grab medium sized rocks on the sandbed easily. I occasionally use them to grab my 10" clam and move him around if needed. The stand does look great!

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I have these tongs and will continue to use them in the new one, seems like they will do easily, I really don't mess around the sand bend that much, and what I'm going to do is predrilled holes on the background and on the rocks where I can easily slide frag plugs in them 11ffdf5db26cd0609a0d13bbd7f0f8d5.jpg9321f8068101d4d144a32c215b0cd0c1.jpg

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Ok, got the egg crate, foam and salt, I will star this tomorrow or Tuesday since I'm feeling lazy, will do the cube first to workout any problems or issues that I might discover along the way before I do the big tank 1dcd2a23442b669ffa77d2f6a88d6a7d.jpg

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After thinking a lot about this next part I'm having second thoughts, now that I'm going back to work I don't think I'll have the time to go ahead and do the background and really don't see the need to do it in the cube since it will be used mostly as a frag tank at first. Will try and decide during this week, will go ahead and clean up both tanks and start working on the plumbing

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Started to do a little bit of fitting between the 2 tanks and the sump and seeing how big this thing really is, going to do some more sump drilling tomorrow and start to do the plumbing, it's going to be a beast 091ffc04ba4c6095c37af2e51309c813.jpgdb70a4918502c4eb3ae793d993654cea.jpgc0b8993d1ecb4afb5d89e7514ea6119d.jpg57b5ee6426198e1ce143d891c95b1a27.jpgf46ef897f4728d587133cc39aac26fe9.jpg

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So I'm having issues on how to plumb this, I'm looking for some kind of flexible pipe that I can use between the tank and the stand, something that I'm able to remove so I can move them individually, my drains are 1" and my returns are 3/4", any feedback?

I will use that only in between the tank and stand about 2' of length, the rest will be rigid pvc

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Also since I'm going to move every single rock is there a dipping method that I could use to get rid of hair algae, it's in about 40% of the rocks, and I could just take it all out of the water and kill it, but that will kill the live bacteria from the rocks also, or is there a time frame that I could use to kill only the algae?

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Ok so I placed the tanks in the finished stand, now I have to work on the plumbing, does anyone know what kind of hose is the one in the pick, the cube had two of these in the drains and they fit the one inch pipe, I have to use some like that for the buildb3b929eadead4a59c82a6dac51a9535a.jpg8dc10f62881674a170b6c6dbf85c7f0e.jpg3421a1a2e8f55088fa1630ba024a468a.jpgbc4fd4c6b26abaa38dfc6514bd23d5d8.jpg

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OK found the solution on the hose, one is for the 3/4 and the other is for the 1", both are very ridged will not kink and is movable, right I'm trying to see how much will be rigid pvc and how much and where I will use these sections 9ac42b77cb10acce5c52b2871adf8483.jpg

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