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Corals from Tim (Wizard)


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Everytime I pass Ohlen, I think of stopping by Tim's to talk SPS. And I still think about it. He was one of the biggest influences on me starting with SPS.

I thought it would be cool to see what fish and coral are still pushing on in our tanks.

I have a few but the one that sticks out for me is the Palmers Blue Mille. Originally Jeremy's, then Tim's, then mine. it was one of my early SPS.

Please feel free to share any coral that you have from Tim.


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Tim was a huge player in my switch to a predominantly SPS tank too! Didn't hurt that he lived right down the way from me... or maybe it did as I was always over there.

Here's a couple of gems that will live on in my tank:

ORA Hawkins echinata


Neon green surhasoni in background


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"Miami orchid" from Tim. Used to have 3 branches about 6" tall. Most died off from STN in my tank and light change.


Not an sps, but hurricane chalice from Tim. Slow grower. 2 mouths to 10 in about a year


Purple Acropora meridiana. Pre STN. I've cut it into two pieces that are thriving now but haven't photographed.


Rip red planet from Tim. All dead now. It's base remains alive in mannys tank. Tim was super generous and GAVE me this red planet which was about 6" of good tabling growth. Never met the guy before. Free coral value of over 100 bucks by most standards. Nice guy.

Only thing missing is a hammer coral that also died in my tank change. Didn't know him as well as y'all, nice guy though. Thought I'd share

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