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Let's all welcome new Premium Sponsor Coral Imports!

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Let's all take a moment to welcome our newest sponsor, Coral Imports! Peter (you have known him as ARC Member Nuxx) and his crew there work with the nation’s best provider of saltwater livestock, so they have full trust in telling their customers that their livestock is among the healthiest, if not the healthiest, livestock available online. They carry a wide selection of corals, fish, inverts, and rock to furnish and stock your marine aquarium.

And now a few words from Peter

Coral Imports was launched in October of 2014 by passionate hobbyists after feeling like a number at some of the larger online fish and coral sale sites. We offer a huge range of fish, coral and inverts from Blue Damsels to Gem Tangs. We also put up over 600 WYSIWYG pieces of coral each week, ranging from frags to full blown SPS colonies. Were based in Austin and want to say thanks to Austin Reef Club for all the help its members have given us when we needed it. Please contact us at [email protected] for an exclusive 10% discount for ARC Premium members.

Let's all take a moment to say welcome to Peter and thank Coral Imports for the support!

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Thanks so much Mike smile.png

My background is in software architecture and running sites with high traffic and sales volumes. I've always created sites around my hobbies and have made a living off of them. Naturally since I'm fully engrossed in reef keeping now, making this site was a natural extension. Also since when I was looking for a Purple Tang a few months ago, I really felt like a number at some of the more highly regarded sites. Knowing their distributor had Purples in stock, but they wouldn't allow me to buy one, since "it wasn't on the site." Drove me nuts... one of my other businesses pure function is finding hard to find items for our customers, so that was foreign to me. My wife and I have run a lot of successful businesses together, and she's 100% on board with this one as well. So some of you have met me (Peter), my wife's name is Tina if you happen to speak with her.

Our second order was actually an addition to an order when the fish was "out of stock" on our site and not in inventory from the supplier. The customer asked if I could find one. After speaking to the supplier, they had some that were not included in their inventory. Needless to say, the customer was pretty happy. That's the type of service we're trying to provide smile.png

The site has been live and accepting orders for just over a week now. We really haven't promoted it yet, but have had a few orders come through that were fulfilled. I wanted to promote first on ARC, since it's local and I feel it's really the best place to get our business established.

Happy to report that we've had over 20 fish and some coral delivered so far with no DOA and no issues as of now.

Before I allowed any orders to go through I did a few orders myself to make sure everything was up to my level. I am extremely picky when it comes to what goes into my tank, and if I felt the livestock was not as good as if not better than the best I've received before, then I'd find a new supplier... or not do the site...

This was not the case. Or first two customers even said they were "speechless" by the condition of their fish. Our supplier has a crazy high expectation from their collectors and very high DOA and health quotas they have to meet. Also all livestock is treated in multiple stages before being offered for sale. Nothing is perfect... but our livestock should give you an upper hand. We still recommend quarantining everything. We do smile.png

In addition each Friday evening we put up around 600 WYSIWYG corals, from small frags to fully blown SPS colonies.

We're adding tons of fish, coral and inverts to the site each day as well. If you don't see it, message or email us, might be in stock, just not on the site yet. We still have about 2000 more fish, coral and inverts to add.

We also get a lot of rarer fish as well. For example we have Gem Tangs in stock, don't see them in stock anywhere else smile.png

Please give us a shot, I have a strong feeling you will be pleasantly surprised.

Feel free to message or email us if you have any questions and we'll also give you a 10% off discount code tailored to you. I really want to make this a special deal to ARC members, not just have a coupon code anyone can use. Also is something is just out of your reach, we would like to try to help you out on the price if possible smile.png

Also if you have any feedback on the layout of the site let us know. I'm used to designing more graphical sites, but with mobile being so popular now everything was done for mobile first.

Thanks again!



BTW: Here is a picture that a customer sent us from our first order of a large Africanus Angel



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Thanks for all the nice words guys smile.png

Let me know if you have any suggestions about the design/layout of the site to make it better/easier to use.

That's awesome! It's always great to have options for fish and coral locally!

Super excited about this. Will you have a southern austin fish terminal for those of us that don't venture north of the Colorado ?smile.png

We're purely online only right now. My wife wants to open a place locally and do more WYSIWYG, but I'm more the wait and see type. If the business takes off, that would make sense.

We use an equally large if not bigger supplier than the big guys, so we'll have lots of livestock not seen on other sites smile.png

Hi Peter, that's fantastic news. So happy for you. I am excited to shop with you. I have a special order so I will be in touch.

Awesome let us know smile.png

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Is there a open group buy for Coral imports?

Not yet, will need to gauge interest first.

Would probably need to exclude the WYSIWYG coral, just because the inventory changes to fast to wait for a group buy, or it might need to be removed / replaced on the order day.

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