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Plumbing questions


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So I just got my 120 set up and running. Have noticed the drains are kinda loud if they are running full bore.

Sump it's a fuge on 1 end and shock on the other, with return in the middle. So with a fuge I know you want slower water flow for contact time. So when I set it to run slower the drain inn the over flow box is louder cause the 90 is turned vertical. So to quiet it down, you turn the 90 down, which picks up flow and IMO is to fast.

Here's the sump


Plumbing on the back


Drains inside over flow box. One with the arrow is the drain in question. Drain with the star is how the 90 sits to be quiet.


So my question is right above the end of the drain could I put a ball valve to slow down the flow and face the 90 down? Pretty sure this will raise the water level in the tank, but I have room.

Or any other suggestions??

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I put ball valves on both my return pump and on my return lines to tweak the flow just right.

Careful on putting ball valves on your return pump. Some types of pump will actually use less electricity if the output has a restricted output (reeflo) but some will actually increase the wear on your pump so read up about your particular one before throttling the output. Another alternative is to use a T and divert some water back into the sump to reduce your flow to the tank without having to throttle your return pump down.

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It's more so the 1 drain, getting it to quiet down (facing the 90 down) and reducing the increased flow.

My return is a mag 9.5, So I can't afford to bleed any off like I had to do on my 58 with it.

I think I should give it a shot to see where it gets me. Just want opinions since most have been reefing for some time and might have a idea as to what I could do.

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Well after redoing my 2 tanks multiple times there are few things I could think. What I have seen on the bean animal over flows the secondary should have a piece of air line through the cap on top to adjust noise. Also some of the pics I have seen they put valves on the drains to maintain proper flow through them and slow flow if needed. How ever then if the one can't keep up you may start drawing down the emergency drain and get noisy again would just have to play with it. Lastly would be plumb them both into skimmer and T off return with valve into refugium.

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