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55 Gallon Tank Crash


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for asking :) Everything that was going to recover has. Acans, bubble coral, zoas, leathers, gsp, xenia, plate, mille. I ended up losing the goni last week because I placed it in a low flow area temporarily (lesson learned the hard way). My flame hawkfish ended up jumping out of the tank, even though I have a cover, he somehow found the smallest space to fly through (was a very sad event since this was my favorite fish). My clown pair were bullying him, so I think they had a hand in it. If anyone sees a large (i.e. 3") flame hawkfish for sale - please let me know. I did get to meet and give some coral to TheOceanTraveller and Tickle Fish - both very awesome!

Other than that, just waiting now before I buy anything new. Coralline is growing over everything and parameters are stable.


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  • 1 month later...

A few days ago, I noticed a few heads of Texas Trash closed up. Did a larger than normal water change (I'm religious about changing out 10-15% each week). Anyhow, the yellow polyps started to close and then the acans started to shrink and turn pale.

Here we go again.

Absolutely nothing has changed. One theory is that the leathers are releasing toxins. They have plenty of room and are not stressed, but it's all I can think of, especially since the corals effected seem to be in one area of the tank.

Went to Petco today, because I wanted to get a larger filter to run massive amounts of carbon (and also one that would be good for discus later on, lol). Picked up a huge fluval. Within the hour, the zoas are starting to open again.

Looks like another disaster averted... :)

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Be cautious running massive amounts of carbon. I had an anemone get pissed and die and I ran like 10 times the recommended amount of carbon. Specifically 6 cups of bitminunious carbon and it leeched p04. Like from 0.00 to 0.06. I had an algae outbreak after that but I didn't loose anything from the Nem dying. So it's kinda a double edged sword.

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I had a big problem due to dosing kalk and having build up in my tubing causing a clog. How is your return pump flow? Kick it off for a min then restart it to test it out.

I actually don't run a sump, so we're all good there ;)

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Has anyone looked into a saturated sand bed here?

With no sump, and you mentioned moving from an older system...have you examined the move itself?

For example, when I moved and expanded into the new tank I "rinsed" all rocks and sand in Display, but left sump alone. I'm getting a small bloom a week or two later, but to be expected with 40% new rock, and rinsed crush coral sand bed. But it'll subside quickly because the sump is established (or so I hope!!)

Anyway...just trying to throw ideas out there.

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Has anyone looked into a saturated sand bed here?

With no sump, and you mentioned moving from an older system...have you examined the move itself?

For example, when I moved and expanded into the new tank I "rinsed" all rocks and sand in Display, but left sump alone. I'm getting a small bloom a week or two later, but to be expected with 40% new rock, and rinsed crush coral sand bed. But it'll subside quickly because the sump is established (or so I hope!!)

Anyway...just trying to throw ideas out there.

Thanks, I can use all ideas. Fortunately I gave up the sandbed so I'm running a bare bottom. I didn't notice any issues with the move - the first crash came nearly a year later. During the upgrade to a 55, I added dry pukani with existing rock, had a small algae bloom and some cyano, but took care of it quickly.

At the moment, my skimmer is just pulling clear water. Any thoughts on that? Usually it pulls dark green. I've changed out about 10 gallons of water over the last three days.

At some point I'm going to test for electrical currents. I replaced all old equipment to try to rule that out.

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I don't run a skimmer on my main tank, only on my QT, but I do notice reduction in skimmate production when the intake on the motor gets algea in it.

I also have heard the airation (sp?) intake can get glogged with salt.

Either results in lower O2 in the skimmer thus no skimmate.

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