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What is that on my live sand?


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I have a biocube 29 which has been running for 7 months. I have 30 lbs of live rock, a few corals and two clownfish and a firefish. I also have 4 hermit crabs for my clean up crew. For the past few weeks I have been having this brown algae (I think it is) on my live sand. Does anybody have any idea what that could be? Is doesn't look like cyano. I use RO/DI to make my own salt and for the top off as well. I'm on top of filter changes on my RO/DI unit and do regular weekly water changes. I'm very carefull with feeding my fish which is done once a day and I do remove uneaten food. My water parameters are as follows:

Salinity: 1.025

Calcium: 420


Ammonia: 0


Nitrate: <2.0ppm

Phosphate: 0.05

I think I have decent flow in the tank. Running stock return pump in addition to 2 Hydor Koralia 425. They are attached on the glass on the right and left side (facing each other) up high so the current meets in the middle for a random flow. I have tried several positions for flow but that brown stuuf on the sand is very persistent. I did siphon out some sand a while ago, is it possible that the tank is going through a mini cycle, being it diatoom bloom? It's only on my sand though, not on the live rock I would appreciate any advice or feedback. Hope you can tell from the pictures Thank you for your time!



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Looks like diatoms to me. Assuming your readings are accurate, it could easily be a natural cycle in the tank's progression. Most tanks go through various stages of algae blooms for the first year. I've had diatoms in pretty much every tank I've set up and it usually goes away without needing intervention if the tank stocking and maintenance schedule is reasonable.

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Diatoms. They are just using up the silicates found in your sand. They should tail off in a couple of months once they use up all the silicates in your system, unless your RO/DI water is a source of more silicates. I have observed my fighting conchs eating this stuff.

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Looks like diatoms to me. Assuming your readings are accurate, it could easily be a natural cycle in the tank's progression. Most tanks go through various stages of algae blooms for the first year. I've had diatoms in pretty much every tank I've set up and it usually goes away without needing intervention if the tank stocking and maintenance schedule is reasonable.

Thank you. That is good news!

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Diatoms. There are just using up the silicates found in your sand. They should tail off in a couple of months once they use up all the silicates in your system, unless your RO/DI water is a source of more silicates. I have observed my fighting conchs eating this stuff.

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Thank you JeeperTy!

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