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Announcing the *SPECIAL* September 2014 ARC Meeting


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Listen up folks, I know it's short notice but that's because we've been moving behind the scenes to schedule something very special for our September ARC meeting. We wanted to kick off the new school year with a bang and the folks at the Museum of Human Achievement have come up with something very cool for us to do just that!

The Museum is a multifunctional art space downtown that hosts a lot of different kinds of shows and experiences. Their most recent endeavor is a show where artists are required to work within an aquarium tank. Seven Artists were provided a stipend to purchase tanks and supplies with the result being a bunch of great submissions. One artist melded two tanks together with ceramic octopi, another used cameras and computers to track fish movement and generate a real-time fish played version of the game snake. In all it should be a unique experience for the club where we can have fun and check out the exhibits, but also share the love of our hobby with the artists and staff.

Our meeting will focus first on the exhibits and exploring the gallery, followed up by a short meeting to discuss upcoming club business (and door prizes!). So let's get back in the swing of things with something fun and new. Hope to see you on Sunday, September 21st!

Sunday, September 21 @ 5pm - 7pm

The Museum of Human Achievement

3600 Lyons Rd

Austin, TX 78702


link to museum

Thanks to museum director Zac Traeger for this generous invitation!

Please reply to this thread if you are planning to attend.

Edited by mFrame (Mike)
edited events, address added
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I'm interested in coming. How appropriate do you think it'd be with little kids? I can prob come solo.

I'll ask

I confirmed that children are welcome, but given the nature of the building (it's an old warehouse) they should be supervised at all times.

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We're here, the entrance is a bit obscure. My black Hyundai with arc sticker is parked in front of a large galvanized entrance. Come in, turn right and go up the stairs on the stage and you'll make it to the gallery.

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I just wanted to take a moment to thank Zach and Katie for having us out tonight. Turnout was a little lighter than expected but we enjoyed seeing the artists take on different aquariums. Zach said that the display will be up for a bit longer, so if you want to take the time to schedule a viewing he'll be happy to accomodate you. I believe he said they'll also be open again this Wednesday.

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Are there any pics up yet?

Due to the nature of the subject (artwork), it didn't seem appropriate to take pictures. They definitely all lean toward the "artsy" side, but there were some cool ideas and a few genuine surprises. I'll try to post a quick synopsis of each piece this evening.

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