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Just checked all my parameters. Previous checks always gave consistent readings but I guess now that I've finally got SPS and LPS growing they're sucking up the nutrients. I'm currently doing 5g water changes per week on a 75g tank. Do you t hink increasing to bi-weekly 5g changes would help correct the numbers?

Previous test Current test

Phos - .08 .06

Alk - 139 151

Cal- 469 436

Mag - 1290 1215

Nitrite and amon were both 0 and nitrates between 5-10...hard to tell with those colors!

Or...do you think these are still acceptible levels?

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I'm guessing those are all ppm for units. I actually like your current numbers better than your previous... minus your Mg. I would increase that a bit to around 1400 and leave it there. I think 1280 ppm is natural seawater.

IMO, I feel no need to test nitrite and ammonia anymore once your tank is cycled and supporting livestock.

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...now I'm more confused. How do I know which I need...sulfate crystal, chloride crystal or mix solution? I selected mix solution and got this.

NEED: 580.6 ml
19.6 fl oz
116.1 tsp
Does this mean I need to mix to instructions so that I have 19.6 oz and then slowly add that to the tank?
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