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What's everyone doing on their tank this weekend?


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I'm planning on skinning my stand on the new build tomorrow. Just the bare wood and trim. The finish will come later. Yesterday I figured out a plan for the electronics and figured out where my reactors will be. Also made big progress drilling rock and supporting one of the stacks with pvc pipe, with Timfish's help. I'll probably continue that tomorrow too. On my 90g I managed to frag a dendro colony with a little coping saw. It worked great and the fragged heads are open and happy and don't even seem to notice anything happened.

Anyone else taking advantage of the long weekend for tank stuff?

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I did a big water change today and then rearranged my sump a bit and added a power head to it to allow my chaeto ball to tumble instead of just sit there. I need to improve my nutrient export so that should help a bit.

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I am upgrading my corner 52 to a 110. Which also involved sanding and restraining the new stand and canopy. Going to do a leak test on my plumbing in the am. Also finaly got my daughters biocube set up in her room.

That's a nice upgrade!

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Literally ignored it. Worked all day Saturday. Then bought a new car when I was off. Woohoo! Car buying is miserable. Out all evening Saturday. Church all morning Sunday, and then I was in Austin yesterday and didn't get home till late. Come to think of it. I haven't seen my tank with the lights on since Friday morning. My fish must be hungry

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Normal maintenance (filled top off reservoir, scraped the glass, cleaned the outside glass, emptied skimmate, water change), changed carbon/GFO, made 15 gallons fresh water, dipped both power heads in vinegar, fragged a few pieces, glued frags to rocks, and changed my light schedule back from a constant intensity to a ramping up and down schedule. You know, the usual.

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Normal maintenance (filled top off reservoir, scraped the glass, cleaned the outside glass, emptied skimmate, water change), changed carbon/GFO, made 15 gallons fresh water, dipped both power heads in vinegar, fragged a few pieces, glued frags to rocks, and changed my light schedule back from a constant intensity to a ramping up and down schedule. You know, the usual.

You put my normal maintenance to shame. You lost me at "cleaned the outside glass". After you're done at Ty's you should stop over here ;)

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Dide the month end routine:

vacuum gravel with 12 G water change

check sg & ph

test & balance the alk, ca, & mg

clean glass inside and out

empty and clean skimmer

change the carbon

In addition did a little rock rearranging and feed the little guy (Harliquin Shrimp)

I now have a 4 legged chocolate chip Ha! poor dude;

Look up the blue affect. you will then realize why you are so addicted to reefing.

Happy Labor Day. You should look up the origins of labor day as well. it was a bone the federal government thru to the laborers after using the military to put down a strike. Very brutal times in this country!

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Let's see. I did all my testing, alk, ca, Mg, phosphate, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, sg, PH, temp, ORP. Did a 5g WC. Trimmed my fuge a little. Did all my dosing which is; Dosed AquaVitro fuel, dosed phosphate, dosed Mg. Cleaned my glass with razor blade and mag on my DT and fuge. Cleaned my skimmer. Refilled my ATO. Gave my power head a bath and all my normal feeding.

Manny, I've got some Birdsnest and Stylopora come on over. Sellers choice right :P

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Added a new bright RBTA to my little tank yesterday (clowns are already hosting it!), and then even gave the little tank a water change today! My pistol shrimp has been finding all this dirt inside the dry rock I used.. so vacuumed that out. Once things clear up, might even take pictures :)

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I'm with manny. I run the algae magnet daily, even if the film is barely visible. I also windex the outer 3 panes of glass every other day, sometimes every day. My son has a habit of running his oily hands on the glass of the tank every time he walks by and every time he stops to look he puts hand prints on it. I like a clean view so I am constantly cleaning the glass every day

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I'm with manny. I run the algae magnet daily, even if the film is barely visible. I also windex the outer 3 panes of glass every other day, sometimes every day. My son has a habit of running his oily hands on the glass of the tank every time he walks by and every time he stops to look he puts hand prints on it. I like a clean view so I am constantly cleaning the glass every day

I have full blown handprints on my glass every day from my 3 year old pulling up the guitar stool and placing his hands on the glass every day.
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My son has hand prints all over my tank too. I guess I've always seen it as an exercise in futility seeing as it's instantly covered in hand prints again. I do clean the inside almost everyday and frequently do the outside. Crazy kids.

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I do as well. I replaced carbon today. I hate replacing carbon. Such a chore and a mess getting it all rinsed without losing any. I've been using a Jaebo DC return pump as my carbon reactor pump and really letting the flow run high....so high that it smashed the top sponge paper-flat and nearly plugged up the flow entirely over the last month. for you BRS reactor users you know those sponges are like 1" thick. I'll be turning that flow down this time

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