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Oct 19, 2014 ARC Frag Swap - Updated


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Hey all, I accidentally left my back pack at the community center today. It was my military bag from Iraq with my last name on it "Kotoske" I was so happy with the frags I spaced it sad.png Please give me a call if you have it 574-850-9840. had my camera in it sad.png

EDIT: Thank you to Jana and Jake from RCA for finding the bag and getting it to Mike! All ends well for my first frag swap experience.

Also, thanks for everyone's hospitality. Sam for the free frags. Richard, Tim, Amber for the beautiful frags. And Ty for the incoming mentoring.

Great day.



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Awesome meeting guys! I though that was a great turnout and there was some awesome stuff up for grabs.

I wound up with 14 pretty nice SPS frags that you definitely don't see everyday and would have had to pay a LOT more to get elsewhere. :-D

And I got the Strawberry Shortcake Microclades in the silent auction. (Thanks Reburn)

Also thanks to Sam for once again for fueling my addiction as well as Zephyr Aquatics out of San Antonio and Sherita as well for being able to make it as well as everyone else that came out and especially those who put everything together for all of us.

It was great to see everyone and nice to finally meet a few new folks as well.

All in all I think it was a pretty successful swap. I can't wait to get everything acclimated and into my tank!

Also have a few pieces left over that I am going to let go pretty cheap before I take them to one of the LFS and trade them in for something.

Frag swap leftovers that I will be posting in the for sale thread shortly.


(1) pink birdsnest 1.5" multiple branches

(4) Montipora confusa 1"

(3) Bali green acro 1"

(3) orange oxide zoas multiple heads (3-5 polyps each)

(2) Fairy dust paly (5-10 polyps each)

$10 (1) ORA red tip pocillipora

(5) Green Birdsnest $5-15

(3) $10-$15-$20 Purple Valida

(3) $10 Forest fire Digitata 2" multi branched

$10 1" small ORA Red Planet

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A big thanks to manny for acting as courier for me in my absence. And a big thanks to Sam for the frags. Hey Sam. By chance do you remember what frags manny picked up for me? There were 5 and the marker came off the bags. He's got them at his house on his frag rack and I'll be picking them up after work tomorrow. If I can't find out names it'll be fun seeing what they grow into and getting ids later

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It was my first time setting up a tank, and it could not have been more fun. Can't wait for the next one. So happy I scored one of the Unique Corals pieces in the auction!

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A big thanks to manny for acting as courier for me in my absence. And a big thanks to Sam for the frags. Hey Sam. By chance do you remember what frags manny picked up for me? There were 5 and the marker came off the bags. He's got them at his house on his frag rack and I'll be picking them up after work tomorrow. If I can't find out names it'll be fun seeing what they grow into and getting ids later

To be honest with you I don't quite remember who got what frag at this point. But if you willing to take pictures of the frags, I'll be able to tell you most likely.

Just off the top of head, I know he pick you out a pink loripes and a original CITR red Dragon. Other ones I don't quite remember.

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Thanks Sam! Manny still has them. Had some family emergencies come up this week, so I've been busy and also decided it best to let them chill for a week or so in his tank to recover from the frag swap before making the acclimation to ligjting in my tank. I'm going to pick them up Friday I believe.

Where his frag rack is located makes it tough to get good pictures so I'll snap some and pm them to you when I get them. I do know one of them is true red dragon which I'm super excited about. That one has been on my wish list for months. Thanks again!

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