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Looking for a new fish


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Marley the clown decides to fly either this morning or last night. I just got home from work and found him dried up on the floor covered in hair and dirt :'(

I almost had him for a year. Almost.

So basically now I'm looking for a different "centerpiece" fish for the 10g.

Tiny tank means tiny fish. Reef friendly, etc etc.

Current srock is a watchman goby and clean up crew. Be awesome if I could find a clown that will host my LTA but I doubt ill find one. Going to get a BTA anywho..



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If anyone wouldnlike to suggest multiple fish that could hang in my tiny tank too thatd be awesome. I def dont want to overstock and the bottom is ruled by the Goby and Red Pistol Shrimp so mid/top swimmers are what were looking for

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For sure. Nano tank equals nano options. Im not picky and not the type to argue about how im just dyyyying for 4 fish crammed into my tank. Just looking for options and opinions. I can list off stocking for FW tanks all day, still dont know a ton about SW stocking

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A Bangaii pair would be pretty cool, they tend to hover in one spot but you would be pushing the bioload a bit. Definitely doable if you have good filtration.

Might I suggest chalk bass? I had one in a 6g a while ago. They will stick close to the rockwork but are "open" swimmers, so to speak. Very hardy, ate pellet food from day 1. Great fish, although he was kinda shy.


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My filtration is mainly just my live rock. Id like to think it was okay considering I had > 5Nitrates with the clown and two juvy mollies he snacked on after a few weeks.

I have since gotten a small marineland biowheel (wheel removed) 150 to hold my purigen. Change the pad out every other week. But aside from that no other filtration

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I have Royal Grammas and Yellow Tail Damsels in many of my tanks and they are constanly interacting, reinforcing their territories but onlyrarely get to the point of torn fins. One each in your tanl should work fine. The only time I might have issues with them is when I have groups of each and as they mature a Dominate male Royal Gramma may have issues with a dominate female Yellow Tail as they start breeding with their mates. (Don't misread this as the species are cross breeding, both species are sequential hermaphrodites so it only takes tow specimans to gat a pair and both species will breed in home aquaria.) In your tank it would probly be a mistake in a 10 gallon to try to pair off most species unless you only plan on keeping just one species beside your goby. If you want an unusual and attractive fish try a Mccullochi Dottyback (Cypho purpurescens), it's temperment is similar to the psuedochromis so it should be the only fish you add if you get it.

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So I was around Burnet.. swung by AquaTek.. didnt find anything I liked.. and had to be home by 6 to get my little sis. Im going down 1825 and it dawned on me.. Nikos!!! So I swung by there and ended up with a Royal Gramma and Yellow Tail Damsel. I was originally shooting for the Bangaii pair but no such luck in finding any.

They're temp acclimating as we speak. Hopefully no jumpers or fighters but fingers crossed.

Im planning on hanging out with my dad finally tomorrow and seeing if he'll go coral shopping with me :)


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Good looking fish!!!

Hopefully your experience will be better then mine keeping a damsel and a gramma in close quarters, my damsel beat him up so much he had to go.

Awh darn. Ill def be keeping a close watch on them. If either get into a tussle ill probably get rid of them both and go with the Bangaii
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Nice choices!

I have enough supplies left over to make a net top for your tank if you want. No more worrying about jumpers.

Would you really do that for me? You're gonna make me cry tears of joy :')

Sure, I'll pm you

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