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Scoly Fragging

Eel Keeper

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Is it possible to frag a scolymia? If so how does it work? Has anyone had any luck with this? How do the reproduce? Is it like plate corals? Do you know how long it takes to reproduce, or heal from a frag if it can be fragged.


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It's my understanding (I've never tried and and don't plan too) corals like that or like lobophyllia, etc. are fragged with a wetcut diamond saw that won't shred the tissue but leave a "relatively" clean cut to heal. The cut may heal over pretty quickly but considering how slow they typically are growing it may be a very long time for it to look decent.

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I can't imagine cutting into a scoly. Like Tim said they grow incredibly slow and I think they really just survive our tanks for the most part. If it survived it'd take ages to look right imo. Sure would be nice if they were fragable though!

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+1 I wouldnt ever bother fragging that. There are some things in my tank, that no matter how much someone begs, I'm not going to butcher and uglify it just to sell a frag of it, and I don't have scolys like that one. Non-branching LPS corals are too difficult to frag for me to be worth it. Acans, favias, lobos, scolys, ect. Just not worth ruining them.

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I frag my scollys every once in a while. Basically you cut them into quarters with a diamond band saw. I normally have 3 out of the 4 pieces survive. And it takes about a year for it to grow back to a full circle. Over all its a long process that is only worth it if you have a long time for it to heal. Heal time is about 3-5 weeks.

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I frag my scollys every once in a while. Basically you cut them into quarters with a diamond band saw. I normally have 3 out of the 4 pieces survive. And it takes about a year for it to grow back to a full circle. Over all its a long process that is only worth it if you have a long time for it to heal. Heal time is about 3-5 weeks.

That's great to know. A year isn't actually all that long, I expected it would take longer. How do you care for the fragged scolys while they recover and grow?

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I frag my scollys every once in a while. Basically you cut them into quarters with a diamond band saw. I normally have 3 out of the 4 pieces survive. And it takes about a year for it to grow back to a full circle. Over all its a long process that is only worth it if you have a long time for it to heal. Heal time is about 3-5 weeks.

That's great to know. A year isn't actually all that long, I expected it would take longer. How do you care for the fragged scolys while they recover and grow?

The only thing special I do is run iodide in the water running through the blade to help keep the scolly from getting an infection and your typical weekly water changes.

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