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Last night whilst srocking at PetSmart.. I notice were going to throw away this fixture for Greenies Dental Treats. Me being me I asked if I could have it.. amd it has turned into my little organization thingamabob.

From left to right we have

Food, Airline stuff, Rubber Bands, Misc. Tidbits, Salinity things, Measuring cups, Pipettes and Syringes, Algae Cleaning supplies, Tools to fix stuff I break, basic test kit, more testing stuff, bottled liquids, more "specific" test kits. Phosphate and iron.



My mom thought I was crazy when I brought this thing home but hey.. it works.

How do you guys stay organized??

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Organization? What's that :P This is my attempt and doesn't show all the tank stuff in the garage, fridge, sink, pantry, or next to the tank. It's surprising how a little tank can take over so many areas, wow. I need to go purge now that I wrote all that out... I like your idea, that looks great and the price was right!


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Plan A was. I thought everyone just stuffed it under the tank where ever it would fit until it didn't then the nearest shelf to the tank wins.

Just kidding a little.

Plan B is I used a box and made dividers to organize everything.

But, somehow I seem to end up putting the feeding baster on top of the tank to dry after they get dinner. Then it is magicly there next feeding time. Need to break that habit.

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