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Favorite Fish - Post a pic


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Since we're getting so much love with the favorite coral pics, let's see what everyone's favorite fish are! It can be something you already have or had, or something you've been coveting for a long time now. Great idea KimP!

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Don't have a pic so hope this is ok. It is my fav right now because after 4 months they finally found each other spent a night together then were back on separate sides of the tank. Then come Froday night the shrimp is back at his place. She's been there all weekend so I guess they have worked out their differences.

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Think my Black Tang (Zebrasoma rostratum) is my favorite so far. Defiantly runs the tank. Also the Chevron tang (Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis) is great, always eating and never shies away from people.

Excited about these in the near future:

Zebra Tang (Acanthurus Polyzona)

Achilles Tang (Acanthurus achilles) - Maybe one normal and one hybrid

Crosshatch Triggerfish (Xanthichthys mento) - Pair

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I sincerely love both of my scribbled rabbitfish. They're beautiful, get along superbly (these 2 fish rarely leave one another's side) and they take care of any algae that pops up in the tank. I have not had a single sign of algae in almost 2 years (since I've had them). YAY RABBITS!


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I sincerely love both of my scribbled rabbitfish. They're beautiful, get along superbly (these 2 fish rarely leave one another's side) and they take care of any algae that pops up in the tank. I have not had a single sign of algae in almost 2 years (since I've had them). YAY RABBITS!


I've never seen one of these before, that's a beautiful fish!

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I sincerely love both of my scribbled rabbitfish. They're beautiful, get along superbly (these 2 fish rarely leave one another's side) and they take care of any algae that pops up in the tank. I have not had a single sign of algae in almost 2 years (since I've had them). YAY RABBITS!


Sounds like you have a bonded pair of rabbits :) I hope they start spawning for you.

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My apologies... I can't help staring at your wrasse! :-p. I'm still waiting to add about 4-5 wrasses to the tank but have to finish that canopy first or they'll all go carpet surfing in no time.

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I've never seen one of these before, that's a beautiful fish!

KimP, thank you!

Sounds like you have a bonded pair of rabbits smile.png I hope they start spawning for you.

I'm hoping so. I don't know if there is a way to tell if they are male / female... However, some of the research I've done on them stated that they have also been found in male / male & female / female pairs in the wild. So, who knows. If they do actually spawn, I'll have my answer. Otherwise, I think I'll always wonder. smile.png

Hmmm, I might have to pick me up a scribbled rabbitfish now. Had a foxface and he was a perfect citizen.

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They've been great fish. I feed them a varied diet (pellets, mysis, blackworms, flake, and 1/2 sheet of nori per day - they LOVE their nori). Even with all of that food, they would still graze when I had algae on the rocks. I have a few corals in the tank and they've never bothered any of them - zoas, frogspawn (very green) and various montipora. They don't even bother any of the other fish. They're the biggest, of course, so I'm sure no one tries to mess with them anyways. /I/ even give them respect when I've got my hand in the tank because I don't really want to get stung by them, as they are poisonous.

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My apologies... I can't help staring at your wrasse! :-p. I'm still waiting to add about 4-5 wrasses to the tank but have to finish that canopy first or they'll all go carpet surfing in no time.

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I know I have a sexy wrasse. All my wrasses bring all the boys to the yard.

they key is to have a mesh/egg crate top over the tank :P

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I like wrasses too and I'd have trouble picking a favorite. This is what I have:

female flasher


male flasher always trying to woo the yellow




Couldn't get my own pic of the red-lined wrasse, mine is a juvenile


But I'd have to say my favorite fish of all time, so far, is a tassled filefish. The best personality and really neat looking. I lost mine shortly after moving and am still looking for another. I really miss that fish.


I feel kinda bad leaving out the rest of my fish, lol. I really like them all!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

That's a neat looking fish Kim. I got my box from divers den yesterday as well. I'm a toss up between my new clowns they are Sanjay's Ultra Snowflake Black Photon Clownfish or my Tanaka Pygmy wrasse. They are not my pictures but all 3 fish were divers den wysiwyg.

But I do love my royal gramma and my Dracula goby too.....



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