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Planning on TDOD this week to kill off some algae


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My tanks been doing great. SPS growing like crazy. All's been good except we've had non-stop company throughout June and then had to travel so I've been very lax on my water changes over the past two months. The result has been the a hair algae explosion. I know it's nutrient export and I'm now on top of it. Going to do 10 -15% water changes every 5-7 days. In the mean time the algae if blocking the light on some of my corals. My question is: will the TDOD (Three Days of Darkness) harm the SPS?

Edited by mFrame (Mike)
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On another note, I think something is up with Austin water. Several members I've been talking to are experiencing massive hair algae growth right now (myself included).

Count me in that group too :(

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Everyone should post thier TDS, PO4 and NO4 levels and find out where thier water is being sourced. City of Austin water both north and south comes from lake Travis but there are a lot of private sources that get water from other sources or do better treatment than the City of Austin. Myself I have not noticed any difference even on my tanks using tap.

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