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JimH's 32 Gallon Coralvue T-60


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Color is looking good. Looks like you got that kessil dialed in. What ever your doing keep doing it.

So I'got my little Red Planet directly in the 'cone of death' under the Kessil. Decided to use it as my canary. It was solid red when I put it there and has slowly been turning more green. So, now I am dialing up the Kessil slowly until I see the green start to turn back to red. Currently at 40% intensity and 58% color. Going up 1% per week. Not that you halide/T5 guys care or anything ....

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That comment hurts my red planet heart Jim! [emoji22]

Just a quick question, was the red planet stable at the green color for a significant amount of time prior to your increasing the intensity experiment? I've found frags to lose the red color in transition to another system and then color right back up to red again in a month or so. Just mentioning because I'd hate for you to base the experiment on the frag if it hasn't reached stability in coloration in your tank yet. Ignore me if it has already. [emoji5]

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That comment hurts my red planet heart Jim! [emoji22]

Just a quick question, was the red planet stable at the green color for a significant amount of time prior to your increasing the intensity experiment? I've found frags to lose the red color in transition to another system and then color right back up to red again in a month or so. Just mentioning because I'd hate for you to base the experiment on the frag if it hasn't reached stability in coloration in your tank yet. Ignore me if it has already. [emoji5]

haha, I know you like the green/red combo. It's just that Red Planet has such a well documented color response to light I figured it is the best bet for a tuning guideline :)

I have two different frags I put side by side. One I got last august from SAM and it has been just a brownie lump until about 2 months ago. Now it is completely lime green and really starting to encrust. The second I got at Reef Currents in early Feb and it came into the system bright red/pink and has slowly gotten more red/green. Both have been in their current position under the Kessil for about 6 weeks, under completely stable lighting parameters. Just started ramping two days ago, increased by the first 1%.

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Awe Jim I still care simply from a nostalgia standpoint smile.png

It looks like your getting the kessil dialed in. I fought mine and fought mine. I was too close to the water.

It still causes me grief over the shadowing. I like the shimmer from the single light source, but it just does not give good coverage. It seems crazy, but I think even on my little 20"x18" footprint it would be better to have two kessils running at lower intensity just to help eliminate the shadowing.

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Awe Jim I still care simply from a nostalgia standpoint :)

It looks like your getting the kessil dialed in. I fought mine and fought mine. I was too close to the water.

It still causes me grief over the shadowing. I like the shimmer from the single light source, but it just does not give good coverage. It seems crazy, but I think even on my little 20"x18" footprint it would be better to have two kessils running at lower intensity just to help eliminate the shadowing.

I agree the shadowing was one of the deal killers for me too. Like you I love the shimmer but the shadowing on that particular light just isn't conclusive with full SPS growth. And I agree is 0 degrees is straight down it seems like 2 lights at 20-40 degrees pointing into the tank from the sides would help with the coverage issues. Most of the super successful SPS tanks I have seen run t5s secretly with the LEDs. Sam of course is the trend bucker lol.

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Oh, I definitely agree with you using the red planet as a lighting guideline. I used to do the same before par meters started popping up locally to be borrowed reasonably easily.

I just wanted to make sure they were fully colored pieces in your system before starting the experiment but 6 weeks seems pretty stable to me before ramping.

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Measuring par with the kessil is impossible. Esacjack and I tried to work on a correction formula for days based on the linear response on the blue and white channels of the kessil. Jim and I spent a day measuring par to have data for that experiment. At the end of the day a par meter is pretty much useless for the kessil. You might as well drink beer all day and watch a ball game. The best way to adjust the kessil is exactly what Jim is doing. Start with a piece of known color and slowly adjust the lights until it holds the color you want.

The only thing that a par meter is good for on a kessil is to be able to determine higher and lower lights within the same tank. Not to determine actual par.

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A few more pics. I've only been keeping acros for a about 10 months. So, they are pretty new and full of surprises for me. It seems that recently a few tips on some have decided its time to color up and start growing. I'm guessing this is pretty normal. I've really been enjoying watching it!

This is my ORA tricolor Valida. In the last couple of weeks one tip has decided to get really purple and has tripled in size


This is my WWC yellow tips. Two tips have decided to get really yellow and have been shooting out.


And this is my Pearlberry. This tip cluster is growing pretty fast!


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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Thanks Ty! I know absolutely nothing about Zoa varieties, never having taken much interest. But my wife was happy I brought these to her! Acros do nothing for her. And I might be warming up to these little guys a little myself now that I've gotten my feet wet whistle.gif

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Thanks Ty! I know absolutely nothing about Zoa varieties, never having taken much interest. But my wife was happy I brought these to her! Acros do nothing for her. And I might be warming up to these little guys a little myself now that I've gotten my feet wet whistle.gif

You should have jumped all in and hit up Pham at the swap. He's like my zoa counterpart! [emoji4]
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  • 3 months later...

My tank turned 2 years old today!

My self-assessment: after two years I can say I've kept some SPS and some LPS alive and at least partially happy for more than 17 months. I am still learning every day, especially about lighting, nutrient control, and pests! But I feel I've learned enough that I can start my 180 build in the next few months with good confidence and making fewer mistakes than on this one!

Here are some progression shots:

Year 0:


Year 1:


Year 2:


Various shots I took with my iPhone yesterday:





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