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HELP!! What is this spot! !


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I just got this little guy this weekend. He has been just fine since getting him but noticed he was hiding this morning and has this weird fuzzy spot on him!! Is it velvet or ick and how do I treat him. I only have 2 Turbo snails a clam and the two clown fish and one of those green grass looking corals. post-2816-140476196727_thumb.jpgpost-2816-1404761979_thumb.jpg

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I wouldn't treat the whole tank. What are you parameters? Size? Running a skimmer? Heater?

I'd definitely pick up some of the medicated food for use as a preventative. It totally saved one of my clownfish that had an eye infection. :)

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If at all possible, set yourself up a quarantine tank. Velvet has the potential to wipe out your whole tank. It's just easier to QT a fish for 6 weeks than to deal with the aftermath of a tank reset. Just my 2 cents. I hope the rest of your tank stays unaffected,

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That does not look like Velvet. But the pic is blurry. velvet covers the entire fish in a thin coating of many micro spots. Much smaller than ich and usually tons more of them. This looks like it is a single area on the back fin area... I have never seen velvet do that.

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