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Foxface Rabbitfish


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I'm considering adding one more fish to my system. I may at my limit now, but I believe this one will take care of any little hair algae blooms that come up. In my 72 gal bow front I currently have a clown, two-spot bristletooth tang, single blue chromis, six line wrasse, convict blenny, and a mandarin. My question is does anyone have any trouble with their foxface nibbling coral? I feed nori a couple of times a week and have no worries about just feeding it daily to keep it happy.

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Have never had any problem with them nipping coral. Best algae eating fish I've ever found. All of mine would eat bryopsis, caulerpa racemosa, and normal hair and film algae. Should get along with everything in your tank no problem. They're much more fearless than your bristletooth, so if the tang tends to hide a lot, the foxface will do a good job of drawing him in the open more.

They'll outgrow that tank IMO, so probably best to have a place to rehome them in the future. I couldn't keep mine fed in my 90 without harming water quality, he was huge though. You can probably get away with feeding once a day, but mine started getting skinny after a few months at once per day alternating nori and rods.

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+1 The foxface I had was a algae eating monster! Didn't matter what type... palatable or not... he'd munch it. They go from juvenile to adult sized really quick though so it will probably outgrow your tank very quickly but nothing I've seen beats their algae munching abilities.

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I have never had a foxface nip or otherwise destroy any corals. However, I have also never had a foxface that ate all the things "they" say it should eat. So I wouldn't count on it. Like any other fish, the more you feed them the less they will nip at rocks and live algae.

The One-Spot Foxface is the only rabbit commonly available that grows less than 9" and can be housed in a tank less than 100g. I would also consider a Starry Blenny, Scopas Tang or Convict Tang. They are all heavy grazers, hardy and will go into your tank.

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Thanks all. I didn't realize it would grow that quick and that large. I do believe that would be too big for my tank as it sounds like it will be twice the size of anything I've got in no time at all. The Starry Blenny sounds promising though as long as it won't compete for burrowing space with the convict blenny. I think all the Starry I've seen have been perched in the rock work somewhjere so maybe they don't burrow at all. I'll do some research on them. The fox face would be a colorful addition though!

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Well I picked up a Starry today. I've got him in quarantine and he appears to be doing great. There's some algae for him to eat in the QT, but will it also eat flake or will I need to feed it some nori? I'd like it get used to grazing for food so I think I'll keep an eye on the algae in the QT to see if it's eating. Thanks all for the tip on the Starry.

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