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Raising Brine Shrimp


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Is anyone raising brine shrimp to feed their fish? I'm not raising any fry but I wanted to start feeding my adult fish some live food. I know the hatching kits are intended just to hatch brine shrimp but I would like to raise them to adult size. Any tips or advice would help. I currently have a 2 liter bottle full of hatched brine shrimp. Should I move them to a larger holding tank to raise them or just feed them to my fish?

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when training my mandarin i started with live brine i got from aquatek and soaked them in zoe vitamin supplement 30 minutes before feeding. he munched them up and i think if you supplement them with enough vitamins, or gut load like jake said, the fish will get enough nutrients as long as you change up the diet every once and a while.

you'll definitely want to move them to a 5g tank, or bucket with an airstone. As far as feeding them..I've heard people feeding all sorts of random people food. if your serious about it give the about saltwater article a read


has some really informative stuff, but you could easily modify their method.

hope this helps.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Bluemoon
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