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215 upgrade build

Robb in Austin

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Threw the MP40w back on, moved the RW15's to the back wall (angled inward), added the DJ strip and plugged everything into it.

I also lowered the intensity on the LEDs from 30 to 20%. The zoas, palys, and toadstools all looked less than happy at 30%.

Almost feels done. I may start moving the rock outside over a piece or two at a time over the next few weeks.

Slightly better pic.


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I re-aquascaped a bit.

I've got an SPS section on the left, I moved the MP40 over there to help with flow.

The center section, which is under the brace and therefor receives less light, is rocks full of the stuff I don't want spreading (GSP, Texas trash palys, red mushrooms).

The right is my LPS/zoa/ric corner. There is a bit of Anthelia on one rock but hopefully will stay there.

As I add rock, this will undoubtedly change some.


We have had an interesting development in the sump. My fuge section baffle let go yesterday when I was home for lunch.

So now I have a giant return section. I do have some rock rubble in there, and may add some of my other rock to it to just to keep from completely filling the tank and also serve as a type of fuge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update time!

Added a one spot foxface from Live Aquaria Diver's Den about 10 days ago. Attempted to add a yellow eye kole tang from LADD but he died during acclimation.

Also picked up 5 blue eyed cardinal's from RCA Saturday and have lost 2 of them.The other 3 seem to be doing fine.

Picked up a sour apple birdsnest and a green ricordea from RichardL and dropped them in earlier last week.

Also moved some zoas from the ex-office tank.

Today I moved over my hammer coral frag and the rock it is on from the ex-office tank.

Did a water change yesterday, moved some more rock from the cycle tub too. 1 piece went into the sump, the rest into the tank.

Dave (aka Prof) is making me a mounting bracket for my DJ powerstrip and a top off tank. He came over today to test fit the powerstrip mounting bracket and went home with some rock. I gave him my GSP/Anthelia rock that was in the center as well as an Anthelia rock that I moved into the cycle tank. As a result, I moved another big rock from the cycle tank into the center section.

I have a plan to install a rope light underneath the tank, hooked up to some magnetic on/off switches on the doors. I want the light to come on whenever any of the doors are opened.

And now, what everyone is waiting for. Pictures! (Taken with the iPhone 5c. Color corrected as best as possible in GIMP. The center shot is not corrected at all.)



Right side






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Some people, not naming names but their screen name is something like Fijiwater, called my new skimmer a no name brand.

To that person I say: "Smell my nog!"

The 'no name skimmer' is an Aquamaxx EM300. I chose it based off reviews on RC and to say I'm blown away is an understatement.

Quiet, looks like milk in the skimmer body, good pump, reasonably priced for it's rating, and this thing skims like a mother.

The only issue was the delivery was very in question. I ordered it from Marine Depot knowing it was on back order and apparently I just squeaked in under the wire. After watching this run over the last few weeks I understand the demand for these. Apparently, their whole line is in big demand.

This picture is from tonight and represents the skimmate from the last 4 nights. I cleaned it on Friday when I did my water change. The bioload in the tank is essentially the same as in my 75. New sand, some new cycled rock, a few new small fish, most of my old rock=this.

The smell is...pungent.


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I wanted to mount my DJ powerstrip, but wasn't exactly sure how. I asked Dave, aka Prof, if he had any ideas and he come up with this fancy thing.

1/2" acrylic, hinged at the back, little nubs that swivel out of the way to support the front, threaded mounting tabs, 'frosted' finish.




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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

After the last post about sps death I got somewhat motivated and did some water changes. And then life got in the way. Again. And the tank started getting funky. Again.

So, recently I contacted Timfish about doing some weekly water/GFO/GAC changes for a few months to get it back on track. He countered with an idea of taking the skimmer off line, some GAC use, and.....TAP WATER for source water.

I figured; I started the tank with tap water, it will get more frequent water changes than I am doing now so it should be ok, and why the heck not and therefore said yes.

Tomorrow we start. We, or Timfish, will start a separate thread somewhere with pre test data, plans, etc.

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After discussing with Tim tonight, I'll just leave the updates here.

Last water change was 3-4 weeks ago. No GFO/GAC since then.

PAR readings were taken prior to anything and readings were in the low 100's-130 range depending on where in the tank. My LEDs are only running at max of 40% for 5 hours a day (1-530p) and I just upped it from 35% yesterday. I'll go up to 50% in two weeks. This was surprising to me. I will also increase the length of time they are at max but will discuss with Tim before doing so.

Pre water change testing data:

SG: 1.028

pH: 8.2

NO3: 0

PO4: 0.43

Mag: 1500

Ca: 440

Alk: 8

The pH and Alk surprised me. When I had the 75 running, my alk ran in the 6-7 range and pH was in the high 7's. I figured this tank would do the same.

Also surprising was the lack of nitrates. Phos on the other hand....

The plan going forward, and I'll let Tim explain the rationale, is to do water changes every 2 weeks with tap water. We also decided to keep the skimmer going.

So, here's to better water quality and a happier tank. (Tim, feel free to update/provide insight as you see fit/feel is necessary!)

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