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215 upgrade build

Robb in Austin

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Sand purchased, tank draining.

I'll give it another cleaning, just to get the PVC shavings and various fuzz out, then dump the sand in, refill it, and run some HOB's full of filter floss to clean the sandstorm. Hopefully it will be full of sand and saltwater by this weekend.

A word about the RW-15s; these things move some water.

We initially threw them in and they defaulted to the wave 1 mode. One of the pumps was starting to make a wave after about 30 seconds! I may have to put these on the very back edge of the side glass as I think having them on the back may result in bare spots in the front sand. We'll see.

Can someone translate this? My Mandarin is a bit weak. whistle.gifgrin.png


My other controller is labeled in English. Reefbreeders.com, who I purchased them from, offered to send an English label for this one. I'll probably get one but not put it on just for funnies.

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Tap water, not rodi. Plus prime. It might be a bit worse now that I've been stirring it.

The overflows ran fine. I don't understand all the fuss over the supposed Durso 'noise'. I didn't hear it when it was leak testing.

Obviously, I stopped a bit short for this part.

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My plan for sand storm clearing failed. So, I drained/vacuumed the sand and nasty water last night. I'll refill it tonight, restart the hob and canister filters and see what happens.

The curing rock outside is essentially chocolate brown now. I might try some bacteria in a bottle to see if it helps clear it up. I suspect the bugs that keep landing in the water are helping supply the bacteria with ammonia.

Got my light stand in, ordered from reefkoi.com. It's 80/20 aluminum t slot tubing and looks pretty slick. I'll get pics once I get the lights up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

By great Poseidon's Trident I think I may have finally cleared the sand storm!

I've vacuumed the sand repeatedly, filled the tank 2 or 3 times and I think after tonight's vacuuming it may actually be done.

I'm going to let it circulate with the powerheads overnight and if it's still clear in the am I'll finish filling it tomorrow and add the salt.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

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Lights up, skimmer in action, salinity too low (running about 1.022).

Sorry for the picture 'quality'. It's not quite this blue in person. The wall behind the tank is white and IRL it looks like it is being illuminated with a black light.


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Woke up this AM to a full and overflowing skimmer cup. biggrin.png

I drained it before I left for work. I picked up some salt and dumped some in once I got home at lunch today.

Got home from work to 1.026=time to move livestock!

Casualties from 8 weeks in Rubbermaid tubs: 1 six line, 1 melanarus wrasse, a huge Ponape birdsnest (frag in ex-office tank), most of my RBTAs (12 I think), the vast majority of my purple monti cap, my bicolor frogspawn, my regular frogspawn (frag in ex-office tank), forest fire digi, green pocillipora (frag in ex-office tank), some snails, and a hermit or 3. sad.png

Surprising survivors: my Jedi Mind Trick still has polyps!hyper.gif

I did find the remnants of a RBTA. It's pale and nasty looking but it stuck to me so I threw it into a breeder floating thing in hopes that I can save it.

Not so surprising survivors: GSP, anthelia, Texas Trash Palys. angry.png

It's all my own fault for taking so freaking long.

I still have plenty of rock in the tank outside cycling that I need to move over and officially aquascape. Actually, if my sump had the room for 175lbs of rock I'd just put it all in there.

Crappy photo after moving everything over.


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Poor water quality over the last 3 weeks (no changes), I suspect too much light (the T5 were only 3-4" above the corals as compared to 6-8" when they were in the 75), and too small an enclosure for the fish.

I didn't list the large blue-green chromis in the above the post since I posted about him earlier.

I still have 2 green Ty plates, an orange Ty plate, a bunch of green dragon eyes, some red Ty zoas, some of my rastas, a large chunk of pink birdsnest, and my trachyphyllia in the ex-office tank.

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