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sand considerations?


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Instead of using one sand type. I am considering mixing a few types in my new tank.

Does anyone have like a mixed sand bed combo in their tank set up, if so is it mixed or just placed in random spots? I think that I may do crushed coral (maybe near rock set up) with pockets of finer sand under and nearby rock and then have it migrate or mix into a reef coarser sand look towards the glass?

I don't it would benefit me to just mix it and dump it? Right?

If you could do it over then what would be your ideal sand set up?

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I think it would work for a little bit but eventually, it would all mix together. The problem with different grain sizes and various inputs of kinetic energy in the tank (mainly from flow and inhabitants) is that it will eventually sort itself. All your fine stuff will end up in the bottom and the coarser materials will end up on top.

The ideal sand setup is one with a homogeneous grain size and large enough that it doesn't get pushed around by the high flow in my tank but not too large as I don't like the look of larger grain sizes or crushed coral.

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Using different grades will also pack down tighter. Using a course net you can separate the courser stuff out periodicly if you like the look of different textures. You could also use the same technique for different colors like a black gravel.

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The tighter it backs down the less gas exchange and the more likely anaerobic pockets will form. Some people will argue it's a bad thing but it's what happens with a Juabert system (see Delbeek and Sprung's "Reef Aquarium" Vol III). I periodicly run into anaerobic pockets under rocks or in corners where sand get's built up and don't see any adverse reactions to it being disturbed.

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I'd argue that it's a reasonable thing to happen in a tank (sand compaction/separation) as it's a natural type biome. I'd argue that it's better suited to larger systems as the water volume can dilute any potential toxic effects if the anaerobic pockets get disturbed.

That said, I think you should go with whatever grain size you like and be done with it.

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