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Acrylic Pod Condo - Under construction


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I had a member who shall remain nameless (unless he wants to out himself) cut me some acrylic to build pod condos. I originally made them out of egg crate but they don't see to be holding up too well. I've cracked a couple of them moving them in and out of the sump.

Old version


New version just starting building tonight



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  • 2 months later...

How do plan to keep your pods well fed and breeding in such a clean sump? Not sarcasm but truly curious as I have my condos in with my macro which often leads to having to pick the macro out of the condo before I drop it into the back of the DT to keep my mandarin happy.

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  • 9 months later...

Sorry, JMVanness is the proud owner of the condo pods. They were included with the tank set up he bought from me. Unfortunately the guy that cut the pieces for me moved either out of town or out of state. He had some kind of laser cutter at work he used.

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Theses actually would be fairly easy to make. Do you remember what thickness of acrylic you used and what the dimensions were? I am guessing 1/4 and size wise they look to be about 4x4x10...

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  • 11 months later...

I work with a bunch of computer guys that I know own some cnc cutters/3d printer type equipment. I'm sure these would be mega simple to have a ton of them made for cheap.

Is the concern with acrylic just getting a clean cut and that's the reason for using a laser cutter? I'm guessing regular rotary cutting tools probably make edges that aren't super clean.

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I use a bandsaw, then simply sand or router the edges smooth. If you are using the acrylic solvent, they have to be cut super straight (acupuncture needles are the best separators w/ the solvent, i've found). home depot/lowes acrylic isnt "fresh," best to get some from regal plastics (doesnt crack as easily on the bandsaw). On thicker pieces, a sharp table saw works well :)

nice job on the condos :)

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