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Another Day Another Spot On a Fish - Purple Tang


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Hey guys,

While looking at my Chevron Tang in one of my QTs to see if he was getting better, something caught my eye in another tank with my Purple Tang.

I hadn't noticed anything on him before, but wasn't looking that close.

It's a white spot behind his fin. It doesn't look too raised, more flush with the body.

Any idea what it could be? ICH/Flukes/etc...

Also noticed some slight HLLE. Hopefully it's from stress. Going to do a big water change Friday. All food is treated with Selcon/Garlic/Vitamins, etc...

Thanks smile.png





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looking at the second picture it almost looks to big to

be ich. hopefully just a scratch? i would stay on track with prazipro, but maybe someone with more tang experience can hop

in on this. beautiful looking purple by the way. hope he does okay!

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Think I'm going a little nuts tongue.png

Chevron had a bite, he's looking better now.

Then I thought that mark was something on the Purple.

Now I think I saw something on the Black's pectoral fin... I'm just going nuts tongue.png

Haven't QTed fish in about 2 years, so need to not be so paranoid about everything...

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Tangs are magnets for everything, but they're also very resilient, just make sure they have clean water and some garlic in their food.

Unless you're dealing with parasites or infections you shouldn't be dosing without knowing for sure what you're fighting, might make things worse.

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Tangs are magnets for everything, but they're also very resilient, just make sure they have clean water and some garlic in their food.

Unless you're dealing with parasites or infections you shouldn't be dosing without knowing for sure what you're fighting, might make things worse.

Always just do a 3 week PraziPro treatment regardless. I think it's pretty easy on the fish since it's even reef safe.

Seems to treat a host of internal parasites as well smile.png

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Here are some pics and a video of the Black in quarantine as well.

Guess he's a bit lighter because of stress / not being used to being in an aquarium.




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It's funny, I did a big water change on the QT tanks today and made it so the Purple and Black couldn't see each other.

About an hour later the Purple is acting much more normal.

Ever since I got the Black, the Purple has hardly been swimming and stays in the corner where he can see the bigger Black Tang.

Now that they can't see each other, the Purple is much more peppy lol

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The black and purple are both zebrasomas so I don't doubt that they're feuding, especially since the Black is larger. Unless you introduce them as pretty young adolescents there are normally problems with tangs of the same family/body type. I think ultimately you won't be able to keep both in the same tank, but will cross my fingers for you.

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I agree that they will almost surely not like each other but with the size tank, I think they'll carve out a corner a piece and be fine.

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I'm also introducing a Yellow Tang.


Largest: Black Tang

Medium: Yellow Tang

Smallest: Purple Tang

I've heard that groups of 3's is the best.

So if Tang A is picking on Tang B, Tang C will come in and pick on Tang A. That should break up the tension.

Also, hopefully with a 4" Black, 3" Yellow and 2 1/2" Purple, they can find their own space in 10 feet.

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I know Hydro had a Black, a Purple and at least a Yellow and I think maybe a chocolate as well, all in his tank before he moved them to Colorado...

His Black was a beast as well wink.png

I'm hoping after a day or two of chasing they'll chill out in the DT.

I'm a lot more worried about adding multiple Acan. Tangs down the line...

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