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Strange clown behavior


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My two clowns seem totally fine...they'll swim around the tank and about every 15-20 min they'll meet in the same spot every time and sit / lay on the bottom in the middle of some snail shells. After a couple of minutes they'll swim off. Anyone seen this before?

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Unlikely but yes it is possible. It does make me worry you might have the beginnings of a parasite problem though. I would keep a close eye on all the fish. It's also possible they are "hosting" that particular spot. Over the years I have seen clown host some crazy places including bare areas of glass.

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Sounds alot like hosting to me how big of a tank are they in? I know in my smaller tanks they tend to try to be hosted in some pretty crazy places through out the day and seem to have a few different established spots depending on what lights are on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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confine them in a small area with the rbta. Use an egg crate box or something similar that allows good water movement but won't allow them to get away from the bta. After a day or two they will take to it.

or just wait. Mine wanted nothing to do with my btas until they did. Now they won't leave the poor thing alone.

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What MLaw said... it just takes time. I tried a bunch of different ways with my clowns and RBTA, even as far as taping a picture of clowns hosting an anemone to the tank. They just wanted to host the picture then! But after a month or so one jumped in... and eventually the second. Now they live in the RBTA and feed it.

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Look what I came home to this afternoon...


The larger of the two just having a ball rolling around in the BTA. The small one still isn't going near it. I hope the big one doesn't decide it's his BTA and keeps the little one out.

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