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Looking good brother...

Thanks!! And thanks for helping me look for this tank!! It has been awesome thus far!

Cool light, just looked them up. Did it come with a wall mount or did you engineer one?

It did not come with a wall mount. It came with cable hangers. So I had to engineer one!!

What I did was use some iron pipe and paint it black and hung it perpendicular to the wall and used a 2x4 for bracing it against wall and it allowed me the center it. I though the 2x4 would stick out like a soar thumb but it hasn't, but I plan on painting it the same color was the wall.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, I am not really good at keeping track or updating this, but now is a good time!rock.gif

Back in May when I transferred all livestock over from old tank, I did one of the most bone headed moves in reef keeping....that is xfering over my GBTA over into a somewhat new tank water set up and to make it worse the GBTA just split so it was not happy. Fast forward to recent days and weeks. It is now doing great and flourishing and gaining color etc and so is the clone!! whew!! That was a close one. It was not looking good for a while with the mouth inverted and looking weird, but now it is happy!!punk.gif

Since then, I have just been running things and maintaining things as best as possible. My PO4 is .02 and nitrates are about 5-10ppm. Calcium is around 440 and Magnesium is about 1360. I have some GHA growing, but the blenny is hanging in there to keep it trimmed. Also, I have like stringy brownish gooy like cyano. Most or all is on the sand bed. I have been able to battle it. But it is not out of control or crazy.

RIP, Green Spotted Pufferbye.gif . He finally took the plunge over the side. I am surprised he made it this far with as much jumping he did all the time, however, while on vaca, he did one time jump out and my brother found him and placed him back in tank and he survived that!

My current fish stock is 2 bangii cardinal, 1 clarkii clown, 1 pajama cardinal, 1 lawn mower blenny and the newest addition is a Lyretail Anthia and I just think the streak of blue below the eyes are awesome!!

I am slowly adding corals that range from SPS to soft corals. I recently got a few SPS' and LPS' and a Derasa clam.

For the most part all of the corals are growing steadily and have great color. Have a few pics to show, but not the best, the blue hue is EVIL!

Oh.....lastly my Tunze 3155 controller fell in the sump....apparently for a while and the darn thing fried!!! Fried electronics stink!!!thumbsdown.gif Ugh.....back to the drawing board to replace my ATO fully or just the controller. Until then, back to manual refills by hand!!! Fun!!!





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  • 1 month later...

Small update. I added a screen top to a rimless tanks. Not too bad. I used 1/2 square acrylic pieces and glued them together. The process itself took a day because I had 1 square clamp so I let each side cure about 2 hours each. Then later in the weekend I added the BRS clear netting. I wanted to try to be less invasive so incase it didn't work out I did not compromise my work of art!

After much pondering I decided to use gorilla clear tape to tape down edges. Then I saw it would not holding to well. For the most part about 3/4 of it was sticking, but one side lost its taping down ability. So I re-taped it using Scotches double side clear tape with like 2lbs holding ability. So basically sandwiched the tape between frame and netting with gorilla tape! I believe this should hold for quite some time. This tape is pretty tacky and sticky!

I added a sideways before picture!! Then a few shots with the frame on top! Also a close up!

I still need to work on adding a canopy to hide the light...so that is the next project. In the mean time it is just adding coral and a few more fish etc!!






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  • 2 months later...

I decided to use the RED SEA Reef Foundation ABC+. At first I dosed to bring my parameters up. The past two months I have started to changed the water out every two weeks of 5 gallons and then dose the off week of about 10 grams of the ABC+. I have not tested nor have I seen any cloudiness or saturation in the water, but that is one of my new years resolution.....to test more often.

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