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New Chevron Tang Help


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Hey guys,

Just got my new Chevron Tang and I noticed something on his side.

There is something hanging off and the area around it looks inflamed.

What do you guys think it is?

Disease? Wound?

If it's a wound, I have some Melafix I could use to help.

Here's the video:

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Is that Slime coat, or skin. Either way, a broad Anti Bacterial is definitly needed. It's hard to tell from the vid or pics, but if was just hurt during trasport, then anti bacterial and regular feeding should be all you need.

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Is that Slime coat, or skin. Either way, a broad Anti Bacterial is definitly needed. It's hard to tell from the vid or pics, but if was just hurt during trasport, then anti bacterial and regular feeding should be all you need.

Do you think Melafix, Selcon, Garlic, Vitamins will be enough?

Or do I need to go with something stronger like Furan 2? Will I need to remove the pieces of Live Rock for that?

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Regular Anti Bacterials, you can keep the live rock, anything that hurts coral, don't use with live rock. When In doubt, remove the LR.

Try them and watch him. It it's not getting noticeably better in a few days, look at other treatments.

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Regular Anti Bacterials, you can keep the live rock, anything that hurts coral, don't use with live rock. When In doubt, remove the LR.

Try them and watch him. It it's not getting noticeably better in a few days, look at other treatments.

Thanks man smile.png

Is it OK to treat a little less aggressive for a few days then bump it up? Meaning this shouldn't kill the fish in a few days if not getting better?

Least my Black Tang showed up nice and fat smile.png

The site is going above and beyond on the Chevron, so I can only say good things about them. They're really upset that got through. They even sent a free cleaner wrasse with order after I told them the one I just ordered from a different place was DOA (dodgy shipping...)

Here's a pic of the Black, Purple, Chevron and Cleaner in QT.

BTW: Does Aquadome sell things like Furan 2?


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Yes, always start with about a Half dose and work your way up. Most medications are pretty strong and can do more harm than good

Least he seems active. Swimming around everywhere...

Going to try to feed him some soaked nori here in a bit...

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What do you think of him today?

The mark has gone from white to red to a darker color today.

He's eating like nuts and swimming around all over the place. Ate a same sized piece of Nori that the Black Tang ate last night.

Getting better or worse in your opinions?


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tough to say, kind of alarming to see it turn so dark. i would hope its just scabbing over a scratch. Id say if the black starts to turn orange, (which from the looks of the upper middle of the spot in the last picture it might be) he's doing better. If it doesn't turn back

to his natural colors in a few days, id be concerned.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Thanks smile.png

Not sure fish got scabs haha.

That would make sense though.

Best guess I have...

Picture 1: White - Fleshy wound, maybe fell off or the Cleaner Wrasse got it.

Picture 2: Reddish - Maybe the wound, a little inflamed?

Picture 3: Scab? Not sure...

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haha "scabesq"?

I tried to do a little research and found a thread on trt about a yellow tang that looked like it had something similar to the chevrons wound.

He concluded it scraped itself on rock work and might have gotten a bacterial infection, which thinking now could be he cause of the blackness -_-

He put a cleaner shrimp

in the qt to help clean off the dead tissue and it turned out ok.

If it actually was/is an infection i would be pretty concerned about sepsis though. In which case, a cleaner probably wouldn't make any difference. You'd have to dose some pretty serious antibiotics to give him a chance.

Sorry to throw the negative vibe out there, but i thought id mention it just in case.

If he's eating and swimming like a champ, im sure he'll pull through.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update almost 3 weeks later...

Treated for one week with Melafix in QT and the mark pretty much healed.

Then started on PraziPro and has been through two rounds. Moved over to my old display tank to finish up QT and PraziPro before going into the new tank.

The mark looks 1000x better and the Chevron is happy in the old DT. Let it go the last few months, so all types of Algae for him to eat.

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