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470 Gallon Mixed Reef


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Came downstairs and noticed all the tangs on the other side of the tank swimming together with no aggression. Grabbed my phone and they started acting a bit weird again, but hey maybe it's progress.

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Looks like they have calmed down a lot...

Marks on Tomini have pretty much gone away and now they all swim together.

These guys can clear out a bunch of flakes and pellets in a minute or two, even after eating nori all day...

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2 tangs, a hawkish, and a flame angel all attack the same sheet but show no aggression. I might be lucky.

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Yeah it seems to have all died down.

Was established Tang - Tomini Tang vs New Gang (Purple, Black, Yellow and Yellow Bellied Blue)

Think the Tomini felt the whole tank was his and fought everyone to prove that... think he finally got the message and backed off.

Looked like the Yellow and Purple were the ones fighting with the Tomini. The Black and Yellow Bellied Blue looked fine. The Purple had torn fins and the Yellow had small gashes.

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i thought game of throne was only on sunday...

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LOL I'm really liking the Black Tang.

The guy is the biggest, but isn't a bully. He's in the middle of everything, but never shows or is shown aggression.

He swims the full length of the tank non-stop. Him and the Yellow Bellied Blue really use the full size of the tank. I even think the Yellow Bellied Blue is started to get a little dominant. It was super passive when just with the Yellow in my old tank. I guess the Yellow is now 2nd or 3rd in the Black / Yellow / Purple Zebrasoma order.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Added the Chevron Tang and Black Ice Clownfish last night...

Everyone seems to be getting along. The Purple gets chased by the Black every now and then. I think it's because the Purple always has his fins extended, unlike the Yellow who keeps them in.

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Really like your scape! What power heads are you using on that left side?? The fish seem to love that high flow!

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Have a Jebao WP60 and WP40 on each far end of the tank. Then have two more WP40s near the center of the tank.

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so awesome to see the chevron in there! it really looks like they are all going somewhere together, and the blue tang is just showing off doing laps around everyone!

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Edited by Bluemoon
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so awesome to see the chevron in there! it really looks like they are all all going somewhere together, and the blue tang is just showing off doing laps around everyone!

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Yeah they tend to hang out together mostly.

The Tomini stays off the left alone mostly though.

It's funny the Yellow Bellied Blue and Black Ice Clown swim the whole tank together all the time. Little clown isn't near the swimmer, so he's always a few feet back but gives it his all. Those two (along with the Yellow) have been together alone for 3 years though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Holy tang batman!

This tank is epic. Looks great so far! I have tang envy wink.png

Thanks smile.png

Planning on adding 2-3 more down the line. Probably a Achilles, Achilles Hybrid and Zebra. Will probably be close to last. I wish I had more fish in there right now besides the tangs. The Black chases the Purple a lot near lights out. I feel that might be a little deflected with more fish in there.

Will order more when we get back from vacation in 2-3 weeks. Will probably also start with coral.

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Tangs look spectacular. Especially with the proposed additions, I'll be surprised if you have a spec of algae in that tank. Nice rock scape and beautiful lights. I know you said you're holding off on adding more, but me-thinks you'l want to add at least two more Kessils if you wanna go SPS dom

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Tangs look spectacular. Especially with the proposed additions, I'll be surprised if you have a spec of algae in that tank. Nice rock scape and beautiful lights. I know you said you're holding off on adding more, but me-thinks you'l want to add at least two more Kessils if you wanna go SPS dom

Will definitely add one more. Think I can lower them a bit as well then.

I have a little hair algae on the power cords of the two WP40s next to where the returns come out. Nobody had decided to eat that yet...

The was some green algae growing on the back wall. Probably about 6" in diameter. The little Chevron found it, and it was gone between lunch and dinner time haha

Thanks on the rock, wanted to use putty, rods, etc... but the Marco Rock after acid wash and curing was so sharp it really stacked extremely well.

Will probably start doing some sort of dosing (Biopellets / GFO) when we get back and setup the auto water change setup. Have around 2-3 ppm nitrates. Have done two 45 gallon water changes 6 weeks apart.

My skimmer seems to not be making much skimmate either. Guess the load isn't high enough. Also been a bit lazy about cleaning the neck...

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  • 1 month later...

Impressive tank Peter. You need to get coral in there though.

Good to meet you today.

Thanks for the beer Robb and nice meeting you as well smile.png

As soon I as finish up with hypo (need to start first...), I'll start getting some coral in there.

I'll supply it from my new business... but more on that later wink.png

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You know what they say, how does end up with a million bucks in aquatics? Start with two million smile.png

Always had good luck turning money draining hobbies into good businesses in the past smile.png

Just need to be able to add something worthwhile to an industry and really have passion for it.

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I hear ya and wish you luck. Always good to have local people in the industry.

Already spoke about sponsoring the forum.

Just need a few more weeks to get to a point where I feel comfortable releasing something.

Will launch it on ARC first. Give larger discounts just to help feel things out in the beginning smile.png

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  • 3 months later...

Wow it's been a long time since I've updated this!

Good thing there hasn't been too much going on...

Around July 4th I noticed a few white marks on our Yellow Bellied Blue Tang, at the time I thought it was ich. I had no idea how ich would have got into the tank, and it didn't look like ich I've seen before. Just being paranoid any white spot = ich in my mind.

Since I didn't have coral in the tank yet, I decided to lower the salinity to hypo levels as an insurance policy. This took about a month and around 550 gallons of RODI water. When I reached 1.0085, I left the tank like that for 6 weeks. I also took all the inverts out and put them in our frag tank, where they would stay fishless for 12 weeks.

During hypo I decided to feed less. A few weeks into hypo the Yellow Bellied Blue Tang and Yellow Tang ended up killing the Purple Tang and Tomini Tang in the span of a few days. We witnessed this occur to the Tomini Tang. The YB Blue and Yellow Tangs would corner the Tomini into the top corner of the tank over a few minutes, then the Tomini would dart across the tank and hit its head on the far wall. After that it became loopy and just swam in circles and died.

After the Purple and Tomini were killed everyone else made it through hypo with nothing more than a nipped fin or two. I then started raising the salinity after 6 weeks. I'm still raising it...

During hypo I also decided the tank needed more lighting. So I bought another Kessil A360we, but feel I'll need another 2 at least.

Here is a picture of the lights at about 30% (lowered during hypo) and the water got a bit cloudy towards the end of hypo, cleared up now.


During hypo a lot of green algae started to grow. I started to feel that it would take over the tank, but then the tangs developed a taste for it and have really started to remove it all.


Since hypo took so long to run we kind of got the itch to get more fish.

We first ordered a large Lineatus Wrasse and 5 Lyretail Anthias and put them in a 40 gallon breeder quarantine tank. They'll be there for about another 3-4 weeks. Already been in there for 4 weeks, sort of took my time with them.

We then got the fish bug again and ordered a few more fish to put into other quarantine tanks. Ended up ordering a small Crosshatch Trigger pair, Potter's Angel and 3 Flame Wrasses.

Made the mistake of putting the Potter's in with the Triggers, after one night he had no fins left. So we moved him over with the Wrasses and he soon died. Also the large Flame Wrasses decided they didn't like each other, and the larger one killed the smaller. Now the smallest and largest Flames are left and seem fine with each other. The other 40 gallon breeder has the two Crosshatches and the 20 gallon long has the two Flame Wrasses.

We're leaving for Hawaii in 5 weeks, so we hope to have everyone out of quarantine by then.

Also late this month we'll be able to move the inverts back into the big tank and start adding coral.

After that really need to get a Neptune DOS pump and setup automatic water changes, skin the stand and get two more Kessils.

Sorry for the huge delay!

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