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Wanted: Mentee


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On May 3 at the C4 Conference, Tim Hansen and myself will be introduced as mentors on a new ARC subforum dedicated to the exchange of knowledge between mentor/ mentee. There will be no general public competition to confuse the issues. This will be a learning process in which the pros and cons are discussed and evaluated. The mentee makes the decision but he/she must explain the process for that decision.

Both Tim and I are "old school". We believe in natural filtration with less technology and more biology. When compared to high tech systems the cost are extraordinarily economical to both set up and to maintain. More importantly, natural reef systems will last. If you go to Timfishes website, you will see 20 year old tanks in pristine shape. I shudder at the volumn of emergency post involving high tech systems that crash with little warning. Remember the butter commercial, "It is not nice to fool Mother Nature".

I get many PM's asking specific reef keeping questions. Most explain that they do not want a wide range of opinions that inevitably happens on an open forum.

If you are teachable, this may be your cup of tea.

Laissez la bonne temps roulee,


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I don't think you have to live here. It'll all play out in the locked forum, between the mentor/mentee.

Depending on the final outline, outside comments would be viewed by the mentor and added at his discretion. This would enhance the process with a broader range of knowledge and experience.


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While I was not on the committee to select qualifications to be mentors, I do think it would be a good idea for future mentors to have tanks set up in the Austin area to be viewed in person by inquiring mentee.

With respect to mentee location, it makes no difference where you live.

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I am honored to serve a returning Vet. Thank you for your sacrifice and service.

The software to set up mentor subforum must wait till the business of C4 Conference is completed. In the meantime, start a tank build thread. I and others will contribute. After the C4 Conference, I will condense & edit as required. While it is a learning experience, there is no reason not to have fun with it.

Laissez la bonne temps roulee,


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I would also be interested in being a mentee.


If you are setting up a new tank, then you would be an appropriate candidate. I am presently handling two candidates. Why don't you PM Timfish and chat with him. I know that he is up to his armpits in time demanding projects before C4 Conference. Go to Tim and my websites. Look at our systems and our post. Get a feel for our philosophy in reefkeeping. If you feel that our methods are compatible with your views, if you are teachable, then jump in. The water gets deep fast.


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Sounds great! Can you PM me the links to your websites and I'll take a look. I'll also send Tim a PM. Thanks Patrick.

Website name is in my signature. Link is on ARC sponsor forum.


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Well, for the record I have a several projects that are just waiting on me to find some time so I'm not looking for any more mentees at the moment. hmm.png I know the advisory board is working on guidelines that will help clarify criteria for the mentor threads. Talking with Mike and others the main goal is to present in a concise and controlled process the Why's and How's different systems are set up and maintained irregardless the degree of technology involved without the arguments that can sometimes develop in the open forums.

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I get many PM's asking specific reef keeping questions.

sorry, but you are just so dang helpful :). and all jokes aside, i've learned a lot, and had a lot of fun talking to, the local cajun aggie.


I welcome the questions. There are many more questions than yours. For most, it is a one time thing. However, you come back for more.

In many cases, I ask that the questions be posted on an open forum so that all are benefited. That is exactly the point of having a mentor forum. By removing the bickering that often happens with different points of view, a public discussion takes place for all to benefit.


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I am interested, Patrick and Tim


I will pick you up since I am already familiar with your tank start up. As I catch up on things, I will review your new tank start up on build thread. Once the software upgrade to mentor forum is in place, I will edit your tank build and we will be off to the races.

Laissez la bonne temps roulee,


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Due to conflicting time management on my part, I must withdraw my offer to be a mentor. It is a great concept and I would hope that it gets off of the ground.



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Perhaps instead of a mentor/mentee forum what if you created a thread for new beginners that featured a basic setup guide and you answered questions based on that guide. The forum would not be a debate area and moderation privileges of that particular thread would given to the author. That way you can answer questions as time permits while providing useful knowledge to the community.

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Perhaps instead of a mentor/mentee forum what if you created a thread for new beginners that featured a basic setup guide and you answered questions based on that guide. The forum would not be a debate area and moderation privileges of that particular thread would given to the author. That way you can answer questions as time permits while providing useful knowledge to the community.

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If this is addressed to me, the same time management conflicts with my operation of a 10,000 gallon mariculture facility. This hobby forum is to pass time. Business is business.


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Perhaps instead of a mentor/mentee forum what if you created a thread for new beginners that featured a basic setup guide and you answered questions based on that guide. The forum would not be a debate area and moderation privileges of that particular thread would given to the author. That way you can answer questions as time permits while providing useful knowledge to the community.

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If this is addressed to me, the same time management conflicts with my operation of a 10,000 gallon mariculture facility. This hobby forum is to pass time. Business is business.


Not addressed to anyone in particular just a idea on how to benefit the community.

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Perhaps instead of a mentor/mentee forum what if you created a thread for new beginners that featured a basic setup guide and you answered questions based on that guide. The forum would not be a debate area and moderation privileges of that particular thread would given to the author. That way you can answer questions as time permits while providing useful knowledge to the community.

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What you describe is basically what the Mentor section will be. We'll be doing a formal presentation of it at C4 in two weeks and then pushing the mentored threads again here with a reintroduction afterward.

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