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Lytro Light Field Camera - $130 (8GB) $170 (16GB)

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Lytro Light Field Digital Camera with 8x Optical Zoom, 1.52" Glass Touchscreen & BONUS Camera Sleeve


The Lytro camera is the world's first light field camera that captures fundamentally different data than conventional cameras. The camera records the entire light field - all the rays of light traveling in every direction through a scene - instead of a flat 2D image. You can refocus a picture and change perspective in the scene of a picture after you take it. You can also view them in 3D. This means you can create interactive, living pictures that tell a unique story. When you share these living pictures with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter, they can interact and play with the pictures too.

The Lytro camera is not intended to replace your point-and-shoot camera or DSLR; resolution is optimized for sharing over the web. It's an additional camera you'll take with you that will showcase some of the unique and evolving abilities of light field photography.



I know at least Mitch has one of these and can share experiences. If I can find some cash today I might get one, I loved his pics.

Woot deals are only up for one day.

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Very good price on the cameras. I must say I was really intrigued by the technology, thus the reason for acquiring one. Though, I must also admit I haven't used it in a while. Like Mitch said, you really have to think and compose your shots with the Lytro camera. It is not a "spur of the moment" picture type thing.

Here is my reef related Lytro pictures: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/27029-jamesls-reef-related-lytro-pictures/

And here are my general Lytro pictures: https://pictures.lytro.com/JamesL

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