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Devil snail


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It certainly looks like a turbo. Is it possible that he bulldozed them off the plug, rather than ate them? Mine occasionally will "unglue" my frags for me. Did you see him actually consume the zoas? If not, you might look around in the tank with a flashlight, he could very well have just knocked them loose from the glue

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I can confirm I have a turbo that eats any zoa polyps that have issues like brown slime or get the jellied over look, but it never eats any healthy ones. I watched it clean a plug of struggling king midas zoas off a plug. It also has a taste for kaleidoscope polyps. hmm.png

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Thanks...I did see him move over them, then they were gone...did not see them become detached. Happened to be King Midas, but they were perfectly fine. Oh well, at least there is one more plug of those in there.

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Speaking of cyano - I had a small patch of it on some live rock and I watched my coral beauty eat it. That is one of the best fish for eating algae - there is no hair algae or cyano in my tank now :)

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Well I decided not to get a clam because I read that they could nip at it. But it doesn't touch any coral. I've got xenia, ricordeas, mushrooms, leathers, acans, gsp, zoas, plate, frogspawn, macroalgae and a nem. (..plus some yellow and blue stuff that looks like zoas, but it's called something else.)

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