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Huge Rookie Mistake


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As most of you know I just upgraded to 125 gallon tank. I reused all live rock and add about 50 lbs of live rock. Water quality was perfect so I decide to add some tangs a week later. Unfortunately I lost all the tang but one lesson learned to much to fast because of this costly mistake I am now building a QT system. all the tang did really good the first 2 weeks however I lost the ICH and stress battle.

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I am with you on this Ty. After lsoing my Copperband and Pseudo, I added my tangs to replace the lost fish and now I am on cruise control. Just going to let my tank ride for a while except for some corals here and there, no livestock

Oh and by the way haze the fire and ice and everlasting gobstoppers are doing great in my tank.

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Sorry man. That is disheartening to hear. QT for sure and you and I just need to slam on the brakes for a bit and let everything stabilize.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

Breaks are on

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry about your situation. I'm confused though about what happened. Were the fish possibly sick when you bought them, so that's why you want to make a quarantine tank? Or was the problem with the new bigger tank so you are slowing down and not putting anything in the new tank until the problem is fixed?

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