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RO/DI unit recommendations


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I'm planning on buying my first RO/DI unit. Any suggestions on brands?

It's for a 210 gallon tank. I'm not exactly sure of all that is required here so any advice or suggestions on things to avoid would be appreciated.

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I run a system from the filterguys mentioned above. It has been running flawless and their customer support is amazing. I run a 75 gpd filter as I've always understood it as the lower rated membranes have a higher rejection rate. May be a nominal difference but I don't mind waiting a little bit longer for cleaner water. Since I only topoff and don't do water changes, it is even less of an issue.

I will say it was brutal to fill up the 210 for the first time. I could see myself visibly age in the reflection of the glass watching the tank fill.

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I frankensteined one together. Since you're not planning on running SPS or anything super picky, you probably don't need to get as anal about chloramines as I did. 75 gpd membranes are the way to go, and if you want to increase your gpd, it's as easy as adding in another 75 gpd membrane.

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That's what I have, the 75 gpd membrane stacked on another 75 gpd membrane, thanks to Brian.

Where was that when I was filling my 210 gal for the first time Brian?

I also run their chloramines kit since I'm about as anal as Victoly is about water quality when it comes to my SPS.

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I use the 4 stage value system from BRS with the 150 gallon per day upgrade which I highly recommend. With this my waster water was cut in half. I also added a booster pump which allowed me to fill a lot faster.

There is a picture of my saltwater change system on my thread with the RO/DI system.

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The 150 GPD is just a second 75 GPD membrane. You send the waste water from the first one through the second membrane. So you have half the waste water (roughly) that you would have had with just the one membrane.

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Another good outfit is Buckeye Hydro (formerly Buckeye Field Supply). I bought my 75 GPD 'chloramine special' unit from them and have been happy with it. They also have very good tech support.

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