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220G build

Dustin Pedretti

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Well...nothing much has changed. I grabbed a mandarin ans a sand sifter the other day. I'm pretty sure my snowflake has eaten the sand sifter because I havnt seen him in 2 days now. Heres the pretty mandarin ube7aju4.jpg

As some of y'all know I had a job interview yesterday in Austin and on my way home I wanted to stop by nikos to see Chris...I should never go into that store with money...ever...I walked out with 12 frags of montis,acro, and a milli...either way though...I got a dang good deal so I'm not complaining...here's a pic of my ghetto frag tank ege4eva6.jpg

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Ugh... throw that one back! Haha!

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We threw it back! I think it is a bottom feeder.

I do have a story to share with you but unfortunately I didn't think about filming it instead until after the event. So here it goes.

Dustin was very nervous about getting his snowflake eel out of the tank with no net, especially since when he brought it home the thing jumped out of the bucket and onto the floor as soon as the lid came off. Anyhow, here comes Manny to the rescue with an oversized fish net. We get the thing out of the tank and Dustin is still CLEARLY terrified still. So I am thinking of something evil to do to help him get rid of his fear. I am thinking I need to get the eel out and throw it down his shirt. So what do I do? Definitely not that! Heck no! I'm just as scared of the thing as he is and there is no way I would ever even think about touching that thing without gloves and then a decontamination station to wash up in afterwards. So I do the next best thing. I see a ton of extra 1" tubing laying around. I see Dustin is really distracted with something else and has his back towards me. He is also barefoot at this point. I take the long tubing and as I toss one end to land on his foot, I start screaming "Its out! Its out!". As soon as the tubing touches Dustin's foot, that dude was instantly in the air. He didn't even turn around to confirm what was going on. So he skipped twice, turned around, saw the tubing, and yet still skipped another two times. What I don't get is his moonwalking going on. While he was in the air the first time, I swear that man took 2-3 steps out the door while in mid air all before landing back on the ground and repeating the cycle. Words can't explain how funny this really was. I hope to have painted a nice mental picture. Too bad we couldn't get him to scream the way we know BPB would have.

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That's hilarious! Would've made a great video, lol. It would take A LOT to get me to touch the eel I have too :P Luckily he hunkers down in the rock with his hidey hole for moves. Good luck with the rest of the move guys!

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