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220G build

Dustin Pedretti

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Can you clarify your use of an external pump. I have several external pumps in use on my 135G lagoon. The tank is skimmerless and sumpless. Two mag 18 are running in a closed loop configuration.. One Mag 18 powers four eductors at bottom of tank to move water left to right across to far side. The second Mag18 includes a 40W UV sterilizer with two educators moving water at top of tank from right to left across to the far side. This flow creates a vertical loop current which is much more efficient than random turbulent flow, due to the inertia of mass. The last external pump is a 600 GPHr cannistar filter that holds 10 gallons and it flows from right ton left at the top.


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My iwaki is feeding the center holes on the bottom of my tank in the center of my tank ( unknown to me at the time that this is usually used for a closed loop system not primary feed). I'm thinking of making a new rock. Itl be a column like what's in your lagoon. Gunna put two 1" pipes in it, itl go all the way to the water line and run my flow from the top. That way I don't have to worry about back flow even if/when the power goes out...hope this makes sense to those of you not in my head

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Wanted to share my day with y'all. Drove up to Austin to see Patrick and buy some rock. I bought 3 pieces

rerevase.jpg8emumena.jpgy3a3yqyr.jpghepu4ezu.jpg these things are loaded with life! Including some green coraline.

One of which came with a hard coral...can anyone id this?


Not only am I supremely happy with my buy, this generous man threw in a massive amounts of extras including a butt load of pods, bristle worms, some snails, and some very nice display macro, have to say guys...the in depth conversations we have are a plus but the extras he threw in are a definite reason why I am a repeat customer. I also went by nikos and saw Chris today. Bought a head of cool acan. u2u6yjen.jpg. I also should report that Manny graciously gave me a three head frag of candy cane the other day e7ame8e6.jpg these things have puffed up far and beyond what I ever saw in my old tanks candy cane. I'm sure it has something to do with the halides.

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Thanks to a gift from Timfish, I am in possession of an identification book of Caribbean Corals.

Considering the pink coloration and the 1/4" corallite diameter with branch diameter 1/2" - 2", this hard coral is generically called "Ivory Coral". It is classified as

Oculina varicose, from the Suborder Faviida of the Family Oculinidae.

Enjoy this unique coral.


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Alrighty so been pretty busy. Got the hood done gahy5ytu.jpg3yqemydy.jpgajydemu4.jpg and installed the Vhos I had from my old set up running a icecap 660 hydabu3u.jpg...need new bulbs. So I'll be running 2 250w halides and 4 Vhos...gunna be a big buy to replace all these bulbs right off the bat but I think I'll the halides first then the Vhos in a couple months.

Did my first round of tests today (borrowed Manny's because I'm afraid I can't trust mine cause there old) nitrates I'm seeing between 0 and 5 but it's hard to tell on these api tests nitrite is 0 and ammonia is 0...put some ammonia in there and will test again later to see what happens. That's all for now

Ice Cap ballast with their Super Actinic lamp produced the most pleasing coral pigment florescence I have ever seen. Also, if you are on an economical budget, you can overdrive 40W lamps to put out 81W of illumination. With my first PAR meter, 20 years ago, a 40W 6500 kelvin lamp produced twice the PAR value as a 110W VHO Super Actinic.


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My iwaki is feeding the center holes on the bottom of my tank in the center of my tank ( unknown to me at the time that this is usually used for a closed loop system not primary feed). I'm thinking of making a new rock. Itl be a column like what's in your lagoon. Gunna put two 1" pipes in it, itl go all the way to the water line and run my flow from the top. That way I don't have to worry about back flow even if/when the power goes out...hope this makes sense to those of you not in my head

As a mentor, I hope I do not have to get in everyone's head. We could have a real train wreck. I assume this will be your closed loop for circulation only. However, you could use a canister type filter or a UV filter in line at a later date. Have you calculated gallons per inch in your display tank. Did I understand correctly that you will have two tanks in your sump? I could not completely fit in your head, you must help me here.


PS. I just reread your post where you said this would be your main feed. Do you need two 1" feeds? What is the GPM and max discharge head of your return pump? What size is the inlet and discharge of your pump?

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Haha...itl be a train wreck if you have to just get in my head...a lot of backwards thinking in there! Ok...so I have a total of 4 1.25 holes in the bottom of my tank. Two in the over flow and two in the center of the tank (I later found out I was supposed to use these as a closed loop system not my main feed) I thought that I would use the two holes in the overflow as, well overflow and the two in the center as flow coming in. Wrong. I'm planning on redoing my flow coming in and using the second hole in the overflow for that so I don't need to worry so much about the power going out

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Haha...itl be a train wreck if you have to just get in my head...a lot of backwards thinking in there! Ok...so I have a total of 4 1.25 holes in the bottom of my tank. Two in the over flow and two in the center of the tank (I later found out I was supposed to use these as a closed loop system not my main feed) I thought that I would use the two holes in the overflow as, well overflow and the two in the center as flow coming in. Wrong. I'm planning on redoing my flow coming in and using the second hole in the overflow for that so I don't need to worry so much about the power going out

I missed the last two lines. I understand that all four lines are 1 1/4". How many lines will drain from your tank? How many will be return to tank?


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